泰勒博恩堂區級戰車登陸艦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1950 年代,美國海軍於1950年代授權 巴斯鋼鐵廠 、 英格爾斯造船廠 及 克里斯提造船廠 (英语:Bay Shipbuilding Company) 三間造船廠製造共15艘戰車登陸艦,並於1952至54年分三批造成,其中有部分泰勒博恩堂區級曾參與 越戰。 [1] 而後大部分泰勒博恩堂區級於1970年至1973年間陸續自美國海軍退役,並轉售 ...
USS LST-116 (LST-116) Deployments & History - HullNumber.com
UNDERWAY! 2025 Wall Calendar / W.W. II SPECIAL EDITION NOW AVAILABLE - CLICK HERE For RATING SHIRTS - Click on your Rating Abbreviation below:USS LST-116 (LST-116) Deployments & History
Terrebonne Parish-class tank landing ship - Wikipedia
The Terrebonne Parish-class tank landing ship was a class of tank landing ship of United States Navy and later sold to the Spanish, Hellenic, Peruvian, Venezuelan and Turkish Navy. In the 1950s, fifteen ships were authorized to begin construction by three shipbuilding companies (Bath Iron Works, Ingalls Shipbuilding and Christy Shipbuilding).
List of United States Navy LSTs - Wikipedia
A full list of United States Navy LSTs. The Landing Ship, Tanks (LSTs) built for the United States Navy during and immediately after World War II were only given an LST-number hull designation, but on 1 July 1955, county or Louisiana-parish names were assigned to those ships which remained in service. More recent LSTs were named on launching.
Landing Ship, Tank - Wikipedia
A Canadian LST off-loads an M4 Sherman during the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943. A Landing Ship, Tank (LST) is a ship first developed during World War II (1939–1945) to support amphibious operations by carrying tanks, vehicles, cargo, and landing troops directly onto a low-slope beach with no docks or piers.
中海級戰車登陸艦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中海級戰車登陸艦,舊稱為 中字號戰車登陸艦[1],為 美國 在 第二次世界大戰 建造的LST二型 戰車登陸艦。 简称L.S.T,俗称“開口笑”。 隸屬 海軍一五一艦隊。 LST二型有 LST-1級 (英语:USS LST-1) 、 LST-491級 (英语:USS LST-491) 與 奇蘭郡級 (英语:USS Chelan County (LST-542)) 三級,但外觀上無明顯區分。 艦首装有两扇门,能左右张开,另设活动跳板,位于两门之后。 艦体四周有双层夹壁,艦身中部成一统长方形大舱,无支柱,专供装运戰車、士兵之用 …
Landing Ships Tank Post-War LST 1156 thru LST 1198
2015年5月3日 · After the war, the Navy saw the need for a larger LST and 42 new boats were built, of 3 progressively larger designs. All these ships have now been transferred to allied navies or otherwise disposed of.
History of LST - 1151 - 1198
LST-1151 was laid down on 3 March 1945 at Seneca, Ill., by the Chicago Bridge & Iron Co.; launched on 4 June 1945; sponsored by Mrs. Isabell H. Collins; and placed in reduced commission on 15 June 1945. LST-1151 underwent conversion to a landing craft repair ship, commissioning as Quirinus (ARL-39) (q.v.) on 6 November 1945.
Task Force 116 – The Mobile Riverine Force Association - MRFA
Task Force 116 naval leaders, under the leadership of Captain Burton B. Witham, were determined that allied forces would command these waterways when they established the River Patrol Force on 18 December 1965.
What happened to the LST’s of Vietnam? - MRFA
2014年9月26日 · The following LST’s served in Vietnam with Operation Market Time (Task Force 115) or Operation Game Warden (Task Force 116) or Mobile Riverine Forces (Task Force 117).