Lucrezia Noin - The Gundam Wiki
Lucrezia Noin (ルクレツィア・ノイン, Rukuretsia Noin?, taken from German neun, lit. "nine") is a character introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Noin, as she prefers to be …
Lucrezia Noin | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Lucrezia Noin is an officer in OZ who is the confidante of Zechs Merquise and one of the main characters in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. She was voiced by Chisa Yokoyama and by Saffron …
Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin • Mobile Suit Gundam Wing • Absolute …
Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin from the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. If there was ever someone to whom Zechs Marquise could confide, it is Lucrezia Noin: a woman who compares quite closely …
Lucrezia Noin - Gundam Wiki - Neoseeker
2009年2月7日 · As a Lieutenant in the OZ Military Organization, Lucrezia Noin was one of the top mobile suit pilots of OZ. She trained mobile suit pilots at a military academy until she abruptly …
How would you rate Lucrezia Noin (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Sanest and The Real Best Pilot in Wing. Noin in a Taurus has earned her Paycheck. 10/10. Abridged Noin is 100000000000/10. Welcome to Day 25 of the Daily Gundam Love Interest …
Lucrezia Noin - Character (2858) - AniDB
Noin is a good friend of Zechs from his days at the Lake Victoria military academy. After graduation, she joined the academy's staff, and now trains new Specials recruits in the art of …
So who's your favourite female pilot in Gundam? : r/Gundam
2016年3月8日 · Karen Joshua. Strong, pretty and a good variety of skills makes here a really well rounded soldier and particularly helpful. As for my favorite female based on their piloting skills, …
Aloof Big Brother - All The Tropes
Zechs Marquise (a.k.a. Milliardo Peacecraft) from Gundam Wing is so aloof that he concealed his identity completely from his sister, Relena, even as he maneuvered events to push her into …
Lt. Noin has a Zechs shrine sitting on her desk. I need to get on …
2020年1月13日 · I'd rather have a Noin shrine. My favourite character from Wing. He's so Zechsy. The Operation Meatier joke dub takes this to its natural hilarity. Zechs legit had one of the best …
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English 模板 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典 Lt-noun-f-ė-3的變格