Lucrezia Noin - The Gundam Wiki
Lucrezia Noin (ルクレツィア・ノイン, Rukuretsia Noin?, taken from German neun, lit. "nine") is a character introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Noin, as she prefers to be called, appears to be a somewhat tomboyish yet mature woman. Most mobile suit pilots (including the Gundam boys with the...
Lucrezia Noin | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Lucrezia Noin is an officer in OZ who is the confidante of Zechs Merquise and one of the main characters in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. She was voiced by Chisa Yokoyama and by Saffron Henderson in the English dub. Noin was trained by Treize Khushrenada personally and eventually graduated to become...
Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin • Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Absolute …
Lieutenant Lucrezia Noin from the anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. If there was ever someone to whom Zechs Marquise could confide, it is Lucrezia Noin: a woman who compares quite closely to Zechs though without the secrets.
Gundam Wing 2000 - The Trek BBS
At the beginning of the series she was the OZ officer. Noin was also the only other person besides Treize who initially known of Zechs' true identity. Personality-wise, Noin was calm, strong-minded, steadfast, quiet and loyal. She once said, "Even if I must play dirty, I will still protect Relena-sama. I'll live as a shadow for this kingdom!"
Taurus (Noin) Cross Rays - SD Gundam G Generation Library
This is Lucrezia Noin's personal Taurus that she has used since her time in the Sanc Kingdom. After the rise of the Earth Sphere United Nation, with the entire world militarily disarmed, it became one of the scant few Mobile Suits left to oppose the Mariemai a Army's uprising.
"Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" Review - Movies With Mark
Jan 26, 2018 · Oh, and he really stresses how women are weak, which in this universe equates to flirting, as Wu-Fei attracts the stern and smitten Lt. Noin. The characters are only minimally developed over the first few episodes as the rest of the story makes way for the overly dense and full-of-itself plot of shifting political powers and trading of Gundams.
Anime Project General Information - University of Michigan
In this example, Lt. Noin sounds unsure of herself in the dubbed version, making the audience wonder at the tone of respect in Heero's and Trowa's voices. Also, Trowa's statement about "able officers" in the subtitled version implies more of a lack of respect for the OZ organization than does his "elite officer" comment in the dubbed version.
Lucrezia Noin - Gundam Wiki - Neoseeker
Feb 7, 2009 · As a Lieutenant in the OZ Military Organization, Lucrezia Noin was one of the top mobile suit pilots of OZ. She trained mobile suit pilots at a military academy until she abruptly left following...
How would you rate Lucrezia Noin (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Sanest and The Real Best Pilot in Wing. Noin in a Taurus has earned her Paycheck. 10/10. Abridged Noin is 100000000000/10. Welcome to Day 25 of the Daily Gundam Love Interest Poll. Specifically, this poll will refer to love interests who the main protagonist has an interest in.
Lucrezia Noin from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - Anime …
Lucrezia Noin is a character from the Anime Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. They have been indexed as Female Teen with Blue eyes and Blue hair that is To Ears length.