Download LTspice | Analog Devices
LTspice ® is a powerful, fast, and free SPICE simulator software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.
下载LTspice | Analog Devices
LTspice ® 是一款强大高效的免费SPICE仿真器软件、原理图采集和波形观测器,为改善模拟电路的仿真提供增强功能和模型。 其原理图捕获图形界面使您能够探测原理图并生成仿真结果,这些结果可以通过内置波形查看器进一步观察分析。 通过 下面的教程 了解如何使用LTspice或通过我们精选的有用提示和文章深入了解。 您还可以浏览我们的宏模型和演示电路库以了解选定的ADI产品。 与其他SPICE解决方案相比,LTspice的增强功能和模型改善了模拟电路仿真。 从下方下 …
LTspice - Download
4 天之前 · LTspice is free graphic design software that enables you to easily create circuit designs. Developed by Analog Devices, this multimedia program is a high-performing SPICE-based analog electronic circuit simulator that can draft, probe, and analyze the performance of your circuit designs before you craft their prototype and test them in the field.
Linduino/LTSketchbook/libraries/LT_SPI/LT_SPI.h at master ... - GitHub
Library Header File for LT_SPI: Routines to communicate with ATmega328P's hardware SPI port. */
Linduino/LTSketchbook/libraries/LT_SPI/LT_SPI.cpp at master ... - GitHub
LT_SPI: Routines to communicate with ATmega328P's hardware SPI port. @verbatim LT_SPI implements the low level master SPI bus routines using the hardware SPI port.
LTSPICE使用教程:入门指导 - CSDN博客
2024年1月6日 · LTspice使用教程 本文针对LTspice的基本操作进行简单讲解,包括: 导入自定义参数的元器件模型 仿真查看电压、电流波形图 输出幅频特性曲线。导入自定义参数的模型 打开LTspice,新建原理图之后,选择工具栏里的component,在弹出的对话框中输入nmos4 单击ok即可 点击工具栏的SPICE Directive选项 在弹出的 ...
LTSPICE使用教程:导入第三方库模型进行仿真 - CSDN博客
2022年11月4日 · 0.前言. 常见的LTSPICE的第三方模型主要包括:.model和.SUBCKT模型两种,有的厂家会把同一系列器件的.SUBCKT模型集中放在一个.lib下,此时需特别注意调用方法,.model文件常用于一些简单的元器件仿真,比如二极管,三极管;.SUBCKT常用于较为复杂的元器件仿真,比如mos、运放等;
如何打开LTspice的直流工作点分析——DC Operating Point …
2024年12月19日 · 3.2、选择SPICE directive。 3.3、把命令丢到界面任意位置。 2.3、把命令添加到任意位置。 _ltspice的.op在哪里.
How to add .SPI file to LTSpice library? | Electronics Forums
2005年3月31日 · linked to there is a spice file with a .SPI extension. I looked through the LTSpice help file and they said that if it is not a model (and I'm assuming it's not, as the file begins with ".SUBCKT" though there are a couple ".MODEL" in there as well) you have to follow a number of steps to add it. I couldn't even get past the first step:
No-OS equivalent of LT_SPI library - Q&A - EngineerZone
2022年10月4日 · I would like to ask what would be the no-OS equivalent of the LT_SPI library of the spi_transfer_block function below in which the SPI.transfer is arduino based library. I would appreciate if you could provide a code if I'm right with how …