The LT®1009 is a precision trimmed 2.5V shunt regula-tor diode featuring a maximum initial tolerance of only ±5mV. The low dynamic impedance and wide operating current range enhances its versatility.
LT1009数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
LT ® 1009 是一款精准修整型 2.5V 并联稳压器二极管,具有一个仅为 ±5mV 的最大初始容差。 低动态阻抗和宽工作电流范围提升了其通用性。 利用片内修整实现了 0.2% 的基准容差,它不仅较大限度地减小了初始电压容差,而且还实现了温度漂移的较小化。 虽然采用 LT1009 时无需进行调节,不过,第三个终端还是提供了 ±5% 的基准电压调节范围,旨在校准系统误差。 在许多应用中,LT1009 可被用作 LM136 的引脚兼容型替代器件,并免除了外部修整网络。 如需一款具有较 …
LT1009 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
The LT1009 is a precision trimmed 2.5V shunt regulator diode featuring a maximum initial tolerance of only ±5mV. The low dynamic impedance and wide operating current range enhances its versatility. The 0.2% reference tolerance is achieved by on-chip trimming which not only minimizes the initial voltage tolerance but also minimizes the ...
LT1009 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The LT1009 reference circuit is a precision-trimmed 2.5-V shunt regulator featuring low dynamic impedance and a wide operating current range. The maximum initial tolerance is ±5 mV in the LP package and ±10 mV in the D and PW packages.
The LT1009 reference circuit is a precision-trimmed 2.5-V shunt regulator featuring low dynamic impedance and a wide operating current range. The maximum initial tolerance is ±5 mV in the LP package and ±10 mV in the D and PW packages. The reference tolerance is achieved by on-chip trimming, which minimizes the initial voltage
The LT1009 reference circuit is a precision-trimmed 2.5-V shunt regulator featuring low dynamic impedance and a wide operating current range. The reference tolerance is achieved by on-chip trimming, which minimizes the initial voltage tolerance and the temperature coefficient, αVZ.
LT1009 | 购买 TI 器件 - 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The LT1009 reference circuit is a precision-trimmed 2.5-V shunt regulator featuring low dynamic impedance and a wide operating current range. The maximum initial tolerance is ±5 mV in the LP package and ±10 mV in the D and PW packages.
lt1009是一款精密微调的2.5v并联稳压器二极管,其最大初始容差仅为±5mv。 低动态阻抗和宽工作电流范围增强了其通用性。 0.2%的基准公差是通过片上微调实现的,这不仅使初始电压公差最小化,而且使温度漂移最小化。
LT1009IDR_TI (德州仪器)_LT1009IDR中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
LT1009-2.5V基准 - IC应用电路图 - 电子发烧友网
2010年11月29日 · LT ® 1009 是一款精准修整型 2.5V 并联稳压器二极管,具有一个仅为 ±5mV 的最大初始容差。 低动态阻抗和宽工作电流范围提升了其通用性。 利用片内修整实现了 0.2% 的 基准 容差,它不仅较大. LT6656ACDC-3,3V 单片机电压 基准 和稳压器的典型应用。 LT 6656是一款微型精密电压 基准,可提供低于1uA的电源电流,并可在输出电压10mV以内的电源电压下工作. 本文介绍了 电压计算方式、 电压与系统的相关性与 电压芯片及5 电压芯片型号大全,最后介绍 …