LT1083 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
Unlike PNP regulators, where up to 10% of the output current is wasted as quiescent current, the LT1083 quiescent current flows into the load, increasing efficiency. Applications. High Efficiency Linear Regulators; Post Regulators for Switching …
The LT®1083 series of positive adjustable regulators are designed to provide 7.5A, 5A and 3A with higher efficiency than currently available devices. All internal circuitry is designed to operate down to 1V input-to-output differential and the dropout voltage is fully specified as a …
LT1083数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
LT ® 1083 系列正可调稳压器专为以高于现有器件的效率来提供 7.5A、5A 和 3A 输出电流而设计。 所有内部电路均为能够在低至 1V 的输入至输出差分电压条件下运作而设计,并且把压差电压作为负载电流的一个函数拟订了全面的规格。 压差在最大输出电流条件下保证为 1.5V (最大值),并在较低负载电流时有所减小。 片内修整把输出电压准确度调节至 1%。 对电流限值也进行了修整,从而较大限度地减小了过载条件下稳压器和电源电路上承受的应力。 LT1083 / LT1084 / …
The LT®1083 series of positive adjustable regulators are designed to provide 7.5A, 5A and 3A with higher efficiency than currently available devices. All internal circuitry is designed to operate down to 1V input-to-output differen-tial and the dropout voltage is fully specified as a …
LT1083CK Analog Devices Inc. | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 Analog Devices Inc. 的 LT1083CK – PMIC - 稳压器 - 线性 1 输出 7.5A TO-3。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
LT1083CP-5#PBF Analog Devices Inc. | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
来自 Analog Devices Inc. 的 LT1083CP-5#PBF – PMIC - 稳压器 - 线性 正 固定 1 输出 7.5A TO-3P。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
LT1083 亚德诺-ADI_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_亚德诺-ADI …
替代型号 Hot! 半导小芯为您提供 LT1083 亚德诺-ADI 的资料查询:亚德诺-ADI数据手册查询,亚德诺-ADI规格书查询,亚德诺-ADI datasheet查询,亚德诺-ADI IC查询、半导体查询、亚德诺-ADI芯片查询、亚德诺-ADI替代型号查询、亚德诺-ADI产品、亚德诺-ADI应用等相关信息,帮您快速找到LT1083的数据手册、规格书、datasheet、替代型号、联系方式、技术参数、选型文档、技术文档、丝印Making等芯片资料。
LT1083 Datasheet (PDF) - Linear Technology
Description: 3A, 5A, 7.5A Low Dropout Positive Fixed Regulators. Manufacturer: Linear Technology.
LT1083MK Analog Devices Inc. | 積體電路 (IC) | DigiKey
Analog Devices Inc. 的 LT1083MK – PMIC - 穩壓器 - 線性 1 輸出 7.5A TO-3。 DigiKey 提供數百萬款電子元件的價格及供貨情況。
LT1083CP Datasheet(PDF) - Linear Technology
Part #: LT1083CP. Download. File Size: 287Kbytes. Page: 12 Pages. Description: 3A, 5A, 7.5A Low Dropout Positive Fixed Regulators. Manufacturer: Linear Technology.