What is KPI | What are LTE KPIs, key performance indicators
This page describes KPI (key performance indicators) basics including its categories and mentions LTE KPIs. The different test cases of LTE KPI are mentioned for each of the KPI categories. As mentioned KPI is the short form of Key Performance Indicator.
Telecom knowledge and experience sharing: LTE KPI - Blogger
This KPI describes the ratio of the mean number of active dedicated EPS bearer to the maximum number of active dedicated EPS bearers provided by EPC network, and it is used to evaluate utilization performance of EPC network.
LTE KPIs and Formulae | PPT - SlideShare
2018年5月29日 · This document discusses key performance indicators (KPIs) and counters for long term evolution (LTE) radio access networks (RANs). It describes various accessibility KPIs such as RRC connection setup success rate, S1 connection setup success rate, and initial E-RAB setup success rate.
LTE Key Performance Indicator Optimization - IEEE Xplore
The long‐term evolution (LTE) network performance measured by network or drive test key performance indicators (KPIs) can be perfected by parameter tuning. The most common KPIs which can be based on either network statistics or drive testing are random access setup success rate, call setup success rate (CSSR), evolved radio access bearer (E ...
[4G&5G专题-104]:部署 - LTE网络性能指标KPI的全面描述与分析_lte kpi …
2021年5月13日 · 对于LTE系统KPI,就是关注那些关键性的性能指标。 (1)监控和分析网络的状态. (2)辅助网络问题的定位. LTE系统的KPI, 会从多个不同的角度来衡量,这就是组织众多API的基本思路。 (1)LTE承载架构. (2)KPI的组织架构与分类. 上述KPI又可以归为两大类. 承载包括信令承载SRB和数据承载DRB。 接入类、保持类、移动类、可用率、利用率、业务用户数类,都是这类KPI。 承载的目的是传输数据,服务完整性类、延时类的都是这类KPI。 (2)常见 …
This paper focuses on performance analyses of TK’s 4G/LTE network, based on the main KPI performance indicators. More specifically, it is focused on analyzing the following key indicators: mobility, integrity and availability. The measurements are performed on a segment of the TK’s 4G/LTE network in Pristina, consisting of 24 base stations.
LTE网络性能指标KPI的全面描述与分析 - 51CTO博客
2021年7月26日 · LTE系统的KPI, 会从多个不同的角度来衡量,这就是组织众多API的基本思路。 承载包括信令承载SRB和数据承载DRB。 接入类、保持类、移动类、可用率、利用率、业务用户数类,都是这类KPI。 承载的目的是传输数据,服务完整性类、延时类的都是这类KPI。 然后进行在1-6之间进行循环。 KPI必须有要自己的标准,制定KPI标准的需符合Smart原则。 T代表有时限 (Time-bound),注重完成绩效指标的特定期限。 白盒化方法:把无线通信网络看成白盒子,通 …
The Analysis of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) in 4G/LTE …
2019年9月14日 · In order to monitor and optimize the network performance, there is a need of using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The KPIs can control the quality of provided services and achieved resource utilization. These indicators are categorized into the following subcategories: accessibility, retainability, mobility, integrity and availability.
无线通信LTE KPI给类指标详解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
kpi计算公式: f=rsrp≥r且rsrq≥s, 其中:rsrp表示下行导频信号接收功率;sinr表示接收导频信号的信号质量;rsrp≥r和rsrq≥s表示是否满足条件,r和s是rsrp和rsrq在计算中的阈值。如果rsrp≥r和rsrq≥s都满足,则f取值1,若有一个不满足或都不满足,则f取值0。
Analysis of key performance indicators of a 4G LTE network …
2020年4月1日 · In this article, analysis of some selected KPIs of an operational 4G LTE network is presented. The tested KPIs include the RSRP, RSRQ, RSSI, SINR, PCC PHY DL Throughput, and the PDCP DL Throughput. These KPIs were measured at a 4G LTE frequency of 1876.6MHz with 10MHz bandwidth.