人人有书读,人人有功练--膜片钳中EPSC/IPSC的记录 - 知乎
2024年12月9日 · EPSC(Excitatory Postsynaptic Current)是兴奋性突触后电流,与突触传递相关。 如图一所示,突触前神经元释放兴奋性神经递质谷氨酸,经突触间隙到达突触后膜,突触后神经元上的神经递质受体与神经递质结合,就会开放受体离子通道,产生电流,这种电流被膜片钳 ...
基于忆阻器模拟的突触可塑性研究进展(文献阅读笔记) - 知乎
模拟 STP 和 LTP 及它们之间的转化可以通过改变刺激的 幅值 、刺激 重复的次数 、刺激的 频率 (时间间隔) 、刺激 持续的时间 (脉冲宽度) 等使得器件导电态变化较大, 固化导电态, 对应了突触权重的增强与稳定。 刺激越多,阻值变化越大,越稳定。 随时间(频率/次数/持续时间等)的 “积累” 效果。 出现 “回滞”,恢复(扩散)滞后,扩散时间大于形成(漂移/正向传输等)时间。 刺激\Rightarrow权重(电导)\uparrow. 电导\downarrow\Rightarrow“遗忘”\Rightarrow持续时 …
EPSC- 生物百科 - 生物行
2024年6月20日 · 兴奋性突触后电流(Excitatory Postsynaptic Current, EPSC)是指在突触后神经元中,由兴奋性神经递质(如谷氨酸)引起的去极化电流。 EPSC通过开放突触后膜上的离子通道,使正电荷离子(如钠离子和钙离子)流入神经元,从而增强神经元的兴奋性和信号传递。 ### 2. 形成机制. EPSC的形成涉及以下几个关键步骤: 1. **神经递质释放**:在突触前神经元的动作电位到达突触末端时,突触小泡中的谷氨酸等兴奋性神经递质被释放到突触间隙。 2. **受体结 …
Cortical nitric oxide required for presynaptic long-term …
2024年6月10日 · Here, we present novel evidence that NO is required for kainate receptor (KAR)-dependent presynaptic form of LTP (pre-LTP) in the adult insular cortex (IC). In the IC, we found that inhibition of NO synthase erased the maintenance of pre-LTP, while the induction of pre-LTP required the activation of KAR.
脑声常谈丨结合光遗传与膜片钳电生理技术探究突触连接与突触可 …
2024年5月22日 · 膜片钳电生理,是神经科学领域探究突触功能性连接的常用方法。最常见的记录指标为自发性突触后电流(sEPSC/IPSC)、微小型突触后电流(mEPSC/IPSC)和电刺激轴突引发的突触后电流(evoked EPSC/IPSC)。然而,这些指标并不能确定突触前的来源。
Differential induction of bidirectional long-term changes in ...
2009年12月15日 · LTP or LTD were differentially induced by using the same number of impulses (100 impulses) at different frequencies. EPSC traces (average of 100 individual sweeps) illustrate the changes observed following induction in different experiments.
Neural circuits expressing the serotonin 2C receptor regulate
2024年6月28日 · Our results support a model in which 5-HT released from midbrain 5-HT neurons acts upon 5-HT 2C Rs expressed by vCA1 neurons to trigger EPSC LTP, potentially by enhancing responsiveness to glutamatergic inputs. 5-HT 2C Rs are known to form a protein complex with the NMDA glutamate receptor and facilitate NMDA activation .
Selective regulation of corticostriatal synapses by astrocytic ...
2025年3月13日 · Corticostriatal long-term potentiation (LTP) was elicited by illuminating theta-burst stimulation (TBS) ... The AMPAR- or NMDAR-dependent light-evoked EPSC (AMPA/NMDA) ratio was estimated by ...
Physisorption-assistant optoelectronic synaptic transistors based …
6 天之前 · Figure 2h depicts the EPSC triggered by 30 optical pulses of 375-1310 nm with a duration of 200 ms, demonstrating the emulation of the typical transition from STP to LTP of retinal cells during ...
Synaptic plasticity rules driving representational shifting in the ...
3 天之前 · The dependencies of long-term plasticity (LTP) on neuronal activity have been studied for decades, ... {EPSC}}}\) is within the range of observed values in CA pyramidal cells 70.