Lielveikals Sky
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LV In The Sky Ring S00 - Women - Fashion Jewelry - LOUIS …
The LV In The Sky double ring features a strikingly original asymmetrical design. Two bands of gold-tone brass adorned with the LV Initials, Monogram Flowers and sparkling zircons are joined by an ultra-delicate chain bearing two additional zircon charms.
LV SKY 包饰 - LVS00 | 路易威登LOUIS VUITTON官方线上旗舰店
LV Sky 包饰取材细腻牛皮革和 Monogram 帆布,为热气球形象点缀 Monogram 花卉,呼应路易威登的旅行传承。 纤细皮革饰带方便悬挂,可为手袋注入灵动意趣。
LV In the Sky 項鏈 . - 時尚首飾 - M01322 | LOUIS VUITTON
這款LV In the Sky項鏈綴滿路易威登迷你標誌,令頸部線條更見柔美。精緻的金色黃銅鏈帶飾有LV Initials標誌,兩側綴有Monogram花卉圖案和閃亮的方形水晶。LV Circle標誌及LV Circle標誌吊飾增添額外的標誌性魅力,精緻的珠寶設計散發當代優雅感。
LV Sky Bag Charm S00 - Women - Accessories - LOUIS VUITTON
The LV Sky bag charm evokes the excitement and pleasure of travel, a historic theme for Louis Vuitton. Styled in fine cowhide mixed with Monogram canvas, it depicts a hot air balloon accented by a Monogram Flower. Its slim leather strap makes it easy to attach, adding an on-trend, playful House touch to any handbag.
LV Sky 手袋吊飾 不適用於配飾 - 飾品配件 - M02150 | LOUIS …
🎁 挑選情人節 — 女士精選禮品 或 男士精選禮品。 這款LV Sky手袋吊飾喚醒旅行的興趣及樂趣,彰顯路易威登歷史悠久的主題。 吊飾以精緻的牛皮搭配Monogram帆布製造,熱氣球圖案上綴有Monogram花卉圖案,而纖細的皮革搭帶方便扣掛,為任何手袋點綴時尚玩味的品牌細節。 需要協助? 歡迎致電 +886 0080 149 1188 、 Line 或 按此 聯繫我們的客戶服務顧問。 訂閱 路易威登 E 通訊以了解品牌的最新消息,包括獨家線上預售及新系列。 深入了解米色 LV Sky 手袋吊飾 …
LV In The Sky 戒指 . - 時尚首飾 - M1089S | LOUIS VUITTON
這款LV In The Sky戒指採用奪目的原創不對稱設計,兩個金色黃銅圓環飾以LV Initials標誌、Monogram花卉圖案和閃亮的鋯石,以極精緻的鏈帶連繫,綴以兩個鋯石吊飾。
LV IN THE SKY 项链 - LVS00 | 路易威登LOUIS VUITTON官方线上旗 …
LV In The Sky 项链仿佛经典元素组成的璀璨星罗。LV 字母、Monogram 花卉在黄铜链条之上闪耀,LV Circle 标识再添品牌气息,缓缓流露当代韵致。
LV In the Sky Necklace - M01322 | LOUIS VUITTON
The LV In The Sky necklace beautifies the neck with a constellation of miniature House icons. On a fine gold-tone brass chain, the LV Initials are flanked by Monogram Flowers and sparkling square crystals. LV Circle and LV Circle charm add an extra signature flair. A refined jewel that radiates contemporary elegance.
This is an authentic LOUIS VUITTON LV In The Sky Double Ring size M or 62/10 in Gold. This is a set of rings are embellished with the LV Initials and Monogram Flowers.