LVT-3 Bushmaster (1943) - tank-afv.com
A regular US Army LVT-3 Bushmaster, with its ramp down, in 1944. US Marine Corps LVT-3 at Okinawa 1945. A former LVT-3C now part of a private collection, painted and overhauled, now exhibited at public displays. Gallery
Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
LVT-3C. Introduced in 1945, the LVT(A)-5 was a LVT(A)-4 with a powered turret and a gyrostabilizer for the howitzer. Some were upgraded in the late 1940s by modifying the armor configuration. 269 units produced.
LVT-3C Bushmaster - The Historical Marker Database
The LVT-3 (Landing Vehicle Tracked) served as an unarmored landing craft developed for cargo carrying. It incorporated a new stern loading ramp for personnel protection. The landing craft had twin Cadillac V-8 Model 42 engines in the sponsons (side hulls), allowing more space in the internal cargo hold.
LVT3 - 百度百科
该车战斗全重17.5T,最大速度为27.2KM/h,最大航速为11.4km/h,该车上一般装一挺或两挺机枪,在冲绳岛战役中,该车唱主角,该次战役中总共有1400辆两栖战车参加战斗,这一纪录尚 …
履帶登陸車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
履带登陆车(英文:Landing Vehicle Tracked(LVT))是美国海军首先使用的两栖作战专用车及两栖登陆车。 履带登陆车被 美国海军陆战队 和 美国陆军 在 二战 中使用。
2022年4月23日 · LVT-3的驾驶室比LVT-4更加靠前,所以后部的空间也比较大,而且LVT-3换装了两台凯迪拉克的8缸汽油发动机,可以为其提供110匹的马力,和LVT (A)-2一样,这两款改进型也安装了匀质钢装甲和潜望镜。 两图分别为后开门的LVT-3和后开门的LVT-4两栖登陆车,两者在外表上最大的特点就是LVT-3驾驶室靠前,LVT-4驾驶室靠后,此外后期版本的LVT-4在车体前部加装了一个球形机枪座以及一挺7.62毫米机枪. 二战结束后一部分的LVT-3还接受了现代化改装, …
LVT - 나무위키
LVT-3는 부시마스터(Bushmaster)사에서 생산하였고, LVT-4보다 먼저 개발되었으나 엔진의 중도 교체로 인해 LVT-4보다 느린 1944년도에야 양산되었다. 400마력의 엔진과 자동변속기를 달아 LVT의 각 형식 중에서 가장 성능이 뛰어났으며, 24명의 병력과 3.6톤의 물자를 ...
LVT3 - afvdb.50megs.com
2022年2月23日 · Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Mark 3C. The folding cargo covers are closed on these machines, which are prepared to cross the Han River in the drive on Seoul. These tractors are armed with a machine gun and gun shield instead of a turret.
LVT-3 AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE (Bushmaster) - Quartermaster Section
The LVT-3 was a new design developed by Borg-Warner. It featuring a rear ramp which was made possible by the main Engines being fitted to side sponsons. It had narrower tracks which were rubber bushed and carried a similar armament to the LVT-A2.
LVT-3C - GHQ Models
Unpainted 1/285th Scale Micro Armour® Per pack: 4In 1949, 1200 LVT-3 Bushmasters were modified to C standard. These modifications included an armored roof, extended nose for buoyancy, a bow-mounted machine gun and a small turret mounting a 30-caliber machine gun. The LVT-3C was deployed during the Korean war, including the Inchon landing.