Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
By mid-1944, all LVT(A)-1s had been replaced by much more capable 75mm gun armed LVT(A)-4s. This switch was primarily due to the LVT(A)-1 M6 gun lacking adequate bunker busting capabilities. The inability to neutralize bunkers on or near the beachheads was an inherent risk for Marines storming out of their landing craft.
Landing Vehicle Tracked (LVT-2 / LVT-4) (Alligator / Water Buffalo)
2018年10月17日 · LVT(A)-4 - Fire Support Variant; fitted with M8 open-topped turret and 75mm main gun; 1 x 0.50 caliber machine gun over turret or 2 x 0.30 caliber machine guns on pintle mounts and 1 x 0.30 caliber machine gun in bow mounting; 1,890 examples produced.
LVT (A) (4) - War Thunder Wiki
The Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked, Armoured, Mark 4 - LVT(A)(4) is the fourth armoured, infantry support variant of the Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked (LVT) family. The 37 mm M6 tank gun of the LVT(A)(1) was deemed insufficient for fire support by the U.S. Marines, thus the turret of the 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8 (HMC), also known as the M8 ...
LVT(A)-1 坦克 - 百度百科
lvt(a)-1 是给登陆海滩的两栖突击车辆提供火力支援的。在lvt基型车上安装一门m6的37mm炮(m44炮塔),两挺7.62mm m1919a4式重机枪 。1944年2月,lvt(a)-1 第一次使用,500辆两栖坦克与陆军和海军一起参加太平洋跳岛战役,他们经常与装备75mm炮的lvt(a)-4并肩战斗,许多的 ...
LVT(A)4/LVT(A)5 - 50megs
2023年12月19日 · LVT (A)4 was based on LVT (A)1, but with a new turret mounting a 75mm howitzer. Both early and late armored cabs were fitted to LVT (A)4; machines with the ball-mounted MG in the cab and the .50cal MG were provided with 2000 rounds of .30cal ammunition.
Navy Matters: WWII LVT(A) Amphibious Tank - Blogger
2018年1月22日 · The 75mm howitzer, really the complete turret from the M8, became available as artillery forces were called upon to deliver increased weight of fire. 75mm guns were once standard for infantry support, but artillery moved from 75mm to 105mm, and late in WWII even the 155mm (150mm and 152mm in German and Russian service respectively) played a ...
关于俺寻思中国的LVT两栖战车可能有顶盖的这件事 - 哔哩哔哩
在坦博的露天展区有一辆原装75mm短管榴弹炮的LVT (A)-4,因为坦博闭馆无法实地考证,但对网图进行辨认后也能发现舱盖的存在。 看这张舱门的位置相比37炮版本的要更靠前一些,看来与37炮版本的结构不完全相同. 可以看出舱门是从侧面打开而不是37炮版本的向后打开. 网上还能找到一位大哥站在顶盖上的照片. 在中国LVT (A)-4的所有改型中,最神秘的当属57炮版本的,因为没有实车留下来,仅剩几张照片。 在其中一张里,我发现了一个疑似打开的舱盖的结构。 在写到 …
LVT(A) Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) - GlobalSecurity.org
LVT (A)4 - The LVT (A)4 was based on LVT (A)1, but with a new turret mounting a 75mm howitzer. Both early and late armored cabs were fitted to LVT (A)4. In later vehicles, the...
LVT (A)4 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark IV)
The armored amphibians would use their 75mm howitzers and machine guns to the utmost in an attempt to keep the enemy down, thus giving some measure of protection to succeeding waves of Marines...