LVT(A)(4) M6 - Making Do With What You Have - War Thunder
2024年2月8日 · poll TL;DR: An LVT(A)(4) modified to use the 37mm M6 cannon. History: Water and swampy terrain have always been a massive obstacle for advancing armies, often requiring special equipment to cross or, even worse, a massive detour. These obstacles have, time and time again, wholly ceased the movement of entire units, killing any momentum they had. One of the ways developed to, at least partially ...
Is the LVT(A)(4) rare? I usually never see them in ground battles.
2022年12月13日 · Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for solo play or 2-10 (Co-op PvE) players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture.
GAIJIN PLEASE: The LVT(A4) For Either The USA or Britain
The LVT(A4) was based off of the standard LVT(A1) chassis, however instead of the 37mm, the A4 mounted the turret and gun of the M8 Scott infantry support vehicle. This meant that the LVT had enhanced support capabilities, aswell as increased anti-tank capabilities.
LVT-4 Zis-3, early chinese glass cannon with large crew
2024年8月22日 · poll caid’s suggestion #147 I will make the suggestion here for the LVT-4 armed with Zis-3 gun for China. the LVT-4 Zis-3 was a Chinese modification of the abandoned LVT-4 captured after the exile of the Republican Chinese. a bit like the LVT-(A)-4 the tank was modified using a Russian gun to make it an SPG. Only at the opposite of the Zis-2 version, it did not have any turret. the Zis-3 ...
The LVT-A4 could be in-game soon ? : r/enlistedgame - Reddit
2024年4月28日 · The LVT-A4 is a LVT-A4 with a M8 Scott turret instead of a 37mm turret. Could be a nice pick for Free-To-Play players, giving them an amphibious option.
LVT A4, Camp Pendleton Mech Museum. Do water tanks count?
2019年4月19日 · yes, the LVT(A) were armored version, the A1 had a M3 light tank turret and the A4 had the M8 GMC one, the communist Chinese also captured a number of LVT(A) A4 form the nationalists and rearmed them with 76.2mm ZIS-3 guns
Pages of History (May): For Victory! - War Thunder
2024年4月28日 · In this month’s Pages of History, you’ll be at the center of events that took place in different theaters of war.
U.S. Marine inspects a LVT (A)-4 "Lady Luck" that rammed a
2023年1月1日 · This seems to be the case for a lot of military amphibious vehicles in an effort to make them float. I know the PT-76 didn't have much armor either as a dedicated amphibious tank, though maybe not as barren as the LVT series. To that extent, pretty much every modern AFV that floats is a lighter vehicle such as an APC or IFV.
Weird fact about the LVT(A)(4)(Zis-2) : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年6月9日 · The LVT(A)(4)(Zis-2) Despite it being a open topped tank destroy, it strangely has the characteristics of a close top vehicle and can survive low to medium caliber HE and HEAT rounds as for example its capable of surviving the 75mm HE round of the Ho-I despite the HE round having 810 KG of TNT.
Tier-list of countries based of thier community if they're ... - Reddit
2024年5月7日 · Actually just better versions of USA. Got the m8 lac which Americans have to buy the premium version and LVT A4 zis-5 has probably the best gun for it's rank and can easily kill tanks at a much higher tier.