Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
The gun-armed "amtank" LVT(A)-1 and LVT(A)-4 were developed to provide fire support. Armed with a 75mm howitzer, the latter was introduced in 1944 just before the Marianas campaign and was especially effective in this role as it was capable of destroying Japanese fortifications as …
LVT(A)-1 坦克 - 百度百科
lvt(a)-1 是给登陆海滩的两栖突击车辆提供火力支援的。 在LVT基型车上安装一门M6的37mm炮(M44炮塔),两挺7.62mmM1919A4式重机枪。 1944年2月,LVT(A)-1 第一次使用,500辆两栖坦克与陆军和海军一起参加太平洋跳岛战役,他们经常与装备75mm炮的LVT(A)-4并肩战斗,许多 …
LVT (A) (1) - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update 1.59 "Flaming Arrows", the LVT (A) (1) is a beginner light tank under the U.S. Army ground forces. It has similar firepower to the M3 but has the unique ability to traverse across water, which most other tanks do not have.
LVT(A)1 Amtrack - tank-afv.com
The LVT (A)-1 was an up-armored and completely modified amphibious support tank based on the LVT-2, fitted with a modified M5 light tank turret.
加有装甲防护的lvt1,称为lvt(a)1,共生产了509辆。 LVT2“水牛”LVT1装备部队不久,军方就着手研制它的改进型。 改进的重点是提高它的可靠性和使用寿命,以及改善水上航行时的稳定性。
LVT-1 Alligator - tank-afv.com
The LVT-1 sported a top speed of 12 miles per hour (19 km/h), and armament was either 2 x 0.30 (7.62 mm) caliber general purpose machine guns or 2 x 0.50 (12.7 mm) caliber heavy machine guns mounted on rails or pintle mounts, with optional limited shielding. Troop capacity was 18 to 24 combat ready soldiers.
美国造LVT(A)水陆坦克 - jb.mil.cn
根据战场使用情况,为增加防护和进攻能力,在LVT-1的基础上加装了装甲和M2轻型坦克的炮塔,称为“LVT (A)-1式水陆坦克”,A即“装甲”的英文缩写。 之后,美军又在LVT-2和LVT-4上分别加装了装甲和炮塔,发展出LVT (A)-2和LVT (A)-4,其中LVT (A)-4安装了M8坦克歼击车的炮塔,配备一门75毫米短管火炮。 LVT (A)-1和LVT (A)-4分别参加了1944年2月的马绍尔群岛战役和1944年6月的塞班岛战役。 在首次参加的两场战役中LVT (A)系列水陆坦克都发挥了重要作用。 二战后, …
LVT(A)1 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark I) ("Water …
The armored amphibian LVT (A)1 boasted a 37mm gun and five .30 caliber machine guns. One machine gun was located atop the turret, one was mounted coaxially with the cannon, a third was located in...
LVT(A) Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) - GlobalSecurity.org
Design work on the Roebling-Food Machinery model, LVT (A) (1) was not completed until December 1941, and the prototype did not emerge from the Food Machinery plant until June...
【战争雷霆载具资料】LVT(A)-1两栖战车 - 哔哩哔哩
lvt(a)-1两栖战车外形示例. 概述↓ 类型:两栖战车 权重:1.0 存在系别:美国 原产国:美国 设计师:不详 开始服役时间:不详(据估测在1940~1945年之间) 采用底盘:lvt通用两栖车辆