Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
Introduced in 1945, the LVT(A)-5 was a LVT(A)-4 with a powered turret and a gyrostabilizer for the howitzer. Some were upgraded in the late 1940s by modifying the armor configuration. 269 units produced.
LVTP-5 - Wikipedia
The LVTP-5 (landing vehicle, tracked, personnel 5) is a family of amphibious armored fighting vehicles used by the Philippine Marine Corps, the Republic of China Marine Corps, and, formerly, the United States Marine Corps. It was designed by the BorgWarner company and built by FMC (Food Machinery Corporation) along with a few other companies ...
装4.5英寸火箭发射器的lvt(a)4两栖战车 LVT1自重7.8吨,车长6.552米,车宽2.948米,车高2.476米,可运载25人或运载2吨货物,动力装置为水冷汽油机,最大功率为120马力(后提高到150马力),陆上最大速度19千米/小时,最大行程240千米;水上最大航速10千米/小时,最大 ...
LVT(A)5 -- Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) (Mark V) - GlobalSecurity.org
The LVT(A)-5 served as an armed, lightly armored companion to the tracked amphibious troop carriers that US forces employed in wide numbers to land infantry during amphibious operations such as...
履帶登陸車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
履带登陆车(英文:Landing Vehicle Tracked(LVT))是美国海军首先使用的两栖作战专用车及两栖登陆车。 履带登陆车被 美国海军陆战队 和 美国陆军 在 二战 中使用。
LVT(A)4/LVT(A)5 - 50megs
2023年12月19日 · LVT (A)4 was fitted with a power traverse mechanism and elevation stabilizer and was then designated LVT (A)5. The stabilizer required mounting a counterweight on the howitzer barrel close to the gun shield. A second auxiliary generator was added to compensate for the increased demand for power.
LVT(A) Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) - GlobalSecurity.org
LVT (A)5 - The LVT (A)4 was fitted with a power traverse mechanism and elevation stabilizer and was then designated LVT (A)5.
LVT- (A)5 AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE - Quartermaster Section
Similar to the LVT- (A)4 but with modifications, these included a power traverse and elevation stabilizer. The LTV-A5 never saw action in World War Two but featured in the Korean War.
美国造LVT(A)水陆坦克 - jb.mil.cn
根据战场使用情况,为增加防护和进攻能力,在LVT-1的基础上加装了装甲和M2轻型坦克的炮塔,称为“LVT (A)-1式水陆坦克”,A即“装甲”的英文缩写。 之后,美军又在LVT-2和LVT-4上分别加装了装甲和炮塔,发展出LVT (A)-2和LVT (A)-4,其中LVT (A)-4安装了M8坦克歼击车的炮塔,配备一门75毫米短管火炮。 LVT (A)-1和LVT (A)-4分别参加了1944年2月的马绍尔群岛战役和1944年6月的塞班岛战役。 在首次参加的两场战役中LVT (A)系列水陆坦克都发挥了重要作用。 二战后, …
Marine Corps Amphibious Vehicles | Defense Media Network
2020年4月29日 · LVT (A)-4s head for the Iwo Jima beach. The LVT (A)-4 was a specialist variant of the LVT based on the LVT-2, with added armor and an open-topped turret mounting a short-barreled 75mm howitzer to provide fire support on the beach. U.S. MARINE CORPS HERITAGE CENTER PHOTO. Part 1: Why Iwo Jima?