Assault Amphibious Vehicle - Wikipedia
The Assault Amphibious Vehicle[2][3] (AAV)—official designation AAVP-7A1 (formerly known as Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 abbr. LVTP-7)—is a fully tracked amphibious landing vehicle manufactured by U.S. Combat Systems (previously by United Defense, a former division of FMC Corporation). [4][5]
AAV7A1 / LVTP7A1 - Army Guide
In March 1977, the then FMC Corporation was awarded a contract to convert 14 LVTP7s into prototypes of a new configuration known as the LVTP7A1. The entire Marine Corps' LVTP7 fleet was converted between 1982 and 1986.
AAV7系列两栖战车 - 百度百科
与LVTP5A1相比,AAV7车水上陆上机动性能都有提高,车重减轻,每小时使用费用和维修量大大减少,履带寿命也由200h增加到600h [1]。 1964年3月美国海军战队提出研制新型LVTP车的要求,由食品机械化学公司军械分部承担该项工作。 1966年2月开始研制工作。 1967年9月完成第一批样车 (共15辆),炮塔装有820-L85式20mm机关炮和M73E7.62mm并列机枪,代号为LVTPX12,10月交付海军陆战队进行试验,试验于1969年9月结束。 1970年6月该公司与美 …
LVTP-7 Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 (1972)
By then the production standard became the LVTP7A1. Gradually they were phased out of service and the model was completely modernized and produced anew with the AAV7A1 (1982), renamed as such from 1985. Modernization followed in 1997 by BAE systems RAM/RS programme. Six specialized variants were also produced alongside.
Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel Model 7A1 (AAVP7A1)
The AAVP7A1 is an armored assault amphibious full-tracked landing vehicle. The vehicle carries troops in water operations from ship to shore, through rough water and surf zone. It also carries troops to inland objectives after ashore. The amphibious capability of the AAV makes it unique among all DOD systems.
AAV-7两栖登陆战车 - 哔哩哔哩
两栖突击载具(Amphibious Assault Vehicle,AAV)的正式名称为AAV-7A1 (原名LVTP-7),是一种全履带式两栖登陆战车,由FMC公司所制造。 本车现为美国海军陆战队的主要两栖兵力运输工具,水平线外“舰—岸”登陆运动中,AAV-7A1 扮演由两栖登陆舰艇上运输登陆部队及其装备上岸的角色;登陆上岸后,登陆部队则将其当作一辆装甲运兵车使用,为其提供战场火力支援。 发展历程.
Armorama :: Tamiya, Inc. 1:35 U.S. Marine LVTP7A1 Review
In this review I will describe the oldest of Amtrac kits: Tamiya LVTP7A1. THE AMTRAC LVTP7 (Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel) was designed in late 1960s, first prototypes were built in 1967 and full scale production begun in 1970.
Amphibious Assault Vehicle
LVTP7A1, AAVP7A1 1983. Modernized and upgunned LVTP7. Unit replacement cost: $2.2 - $2.5 Million (1996). In 1985 the U.S. Marine Corps changed the designation of the LVTP7A1 to AAV7A1.
AAAV的前身LVTP7在1983-84年通过使用使用寿命延长程序来延长了寿命,该程序修改并升级了许多关键系统,从而创建了LVTP7A1,并将其重新命名为AAVP7A1。 在发布这些车辆时,USMC曾预期并已在1993年传达了AAAV的交付。 由于延误,AAVP7A1在1990年代中期又获得了使用寿命延长型升级,而USMC仍在等待最终开发和升级。 AAAV的交付时间比原先预计的时间框架晚了14年。 1988年,国防官员批准了概念探索和定义阶段。 1995年,该计划进入定义和降低风险 …
美国LVTP履带式两栖装甲战车 - 百度百科
美国LVTP履带式两栖装甲战车是 美国海军陆战队 主力两栖重型装甲武器。 该车在1974年开始交付 美国海军陆战队 使用。 [1] 在太平洋战争中,由于需要 连接 攻击日本海军和使步兵登陆占领岛屿,美海军陆战队 提出需要一咱新型的水陆两用履带式登陆车。 最初的LVTP1和LVTP2车性能较差,LVTP4系列履带式 两栖装甲车 才正式列入装备,并形成了歼击车系列的概念。 根据海军陆战队的要求,1950年12月英格索尔公司与海军船务局 (Bureau of Ships)签订合同,研制新一代 …
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