LW-PLA - Learn ColorFabb
2019年4月12日 · We proudly present our brand new 3D printing filament: LW-PLA. LW-PLA is the first filament of its kind using an active foaming technology to achieve lightweight, low density PLA parts.
PolyLite™ LW-PLA - Polymaker US
PolyLite™ LW-PLA is a special foamed PLA designed to print with similar settings as regular PLA but with half the weight. Density: 0.8g/cm³. Spool Dimensions? Please note that LW-PLA likes to print hairy even with the best settings - so a light blast with a heat gun or scrape with a razor will help to remove this string.
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LW-PLA NATURAL - colorFabb
Our Light weight PLA (LW-PLA) is the best filament for printing RC Planes, Cosplay and other light weight items. Parts are feather light, yet retain good strength and are easy to cut, trim and sand. If part weight matters to you, then this is your filament of choice. Read our tutorial: How to print with LW-PLA. Watch this video: Video CNC kitchen
Polymaker LW PLA Filament 1.75mm Bright Yellow, Pre-Foamed PLA …
2022年5月16日 · PolyLite PLA is a worry-free 3D printer filament bright yellow low-weight PLA that has great bed adhesion, very consistent color and dimension accuracy, and no warping, no jamming, no blobs, or layer delamination issues. 【Note - turn off the fan for the first layer for improved bed adhesion】
Polymaker LW PLA Filament 1.75mm White, Pre-Foamed PLA 800g Lightweight …
2021年9月24日 · Polymaker LW PLA Filament 1.75mm White, Pre-Foamed PLA 800g Lightweight 3D Filament - PolyLite 3D Printer LW-PLA for Printing RC Plane, 190-210 °C Printing Temp. | High Rigidity | Easy to Paint
ePLA-LW Light Weight PLA Filament eSUN 3D Printer Filament
PLA-LW use active foaming technology to achieve lightweight, low-density PLA parts, the foaming volume ratio is 220%, and the density is as low as 0.54g/cm3. Foaming makes the layered pattern almost invisible, and the surface of the printed item is matte and delicate.
PolyLite™ LW-PLA - Polymaker
PolyLite™ LW-PLA is a low-density PLA that uses Polymaker’s Stabilized Foaming™ technology. This technology allows the PLA to re-foam after extrusion introducing a lattice foam structure that decreases the density by 30%.
LW-PLA - colorFabb
3D Printing Filaments made out of Premium PLA, PLA/PHA, CO-POLYESTER AND SPECIAL composite materials. all filaments are available in Fabulous Colors. At colorFabb we’ve reinvented our coloring process for 3D printing filament.
colorFabb LW-PLA is available in multiple colors. The foaming also gives printed parts a rough matte surface finish, which makes parts look very appealing. This material is based on our unique PLA/PHA recipe which means that it will print very similar to our other PLA/PHA materials.
How to print with LW-PLA - Learn ColorFabb
2019年4月11日 · colorFabb LW-PLA is available in two colors, natural and black. The foaming also gives printed parts a rough matte surface finish, which makes parts look very appealing. How does it work? For the filament to expand it is necessary to put a …