LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin - Wikipedia
LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin (Deutsches Luftschiff Zeppelin 127) was a German passenger-carrying hydrogen -filled rigid airship that flew from 1928 to 1937. It offered the first commercial transatlantic passenger flight service. The ship was named after the German airship pioneer Ferdinand von Zeppelin, a count (Graf) in the German nobility.
LZ 127 – Wikipedia
LZ 127 „Graf Zeppelin“ (Kennzeichen D-LZ127) war ein Starrluftschiff aus der Reihe der Zeppeline und gilt als das erfolgreichste Verkehrsluftschiff seiner Zeit. Es wurde am 18. September 1928 nach 21-monatiger Bauzeit in Dienst gestellt.
LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin operational history - Wikipedia
LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin was a German passenger-carrying, hydrogen-filled rigid airship which flew from 1928 to 1937. It was designed and built to show that intercontinental airship travel was practicable.
Graf Zeppelin History - Airships.net
LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin landing at Los Angeles, 1929 After a difficult summertime passage over the deserts of Arizona and Texas, Graf Zeppelin flew east across America. The ship was greeted with wild enthusiasm by the people of Chicago, and ended its record breaking flight with a landing at Lakehurst the morning of August 29, 1929.
LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin - Airships.net
The most successful zeppelin ever built, LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin flew more than a million miles on 590 flights, carrying over 34,000 passengers without a single injury.
齐柏林伯爵号飞艇 - 百度百科
在世界各国制造的飞艇中,“齐柏林伯爵”号飞艇(Graf Zeppelin,编号LZ127)度过了最辉煌的一生。 她是飞行距离最远的飞艇。 在“飞艇之父”——德国退役将军菲迪南德·冯·齐柏林(Ferdinand von Zeppelin)于1917年逝世后, 雨果·埃克纳 博士(Dr. Hugo Eckener)继承了他的遗志,带领公司走出了 第一次世界大战 失败后的泥沼。 他提出了一个大胆的计划:建造一艘环球飞艇,开辟洲际长途客运。 1928年7月8日,在齐柏林伯爵90岁诞辰那天,齐柏林公司在德国飞艇的故 …
Airshipsonline: Airships: LZ127 Graf Zeppelin
During its career, the D-LZ127 Graf Zeppelin flew more than one and half million kilometres over 590 flights, and made 144 ocean crossings, carrying 13,110 passengers. With a perfect passenger safety record, making it the most successful rigid airship ever built.
Graf Zeppelin Design and Technology - Airships.net
LZ-127 Graf Zeppelin dropping water ballast during landing. Graf Zeppelin was powered by five Maybach VL-2 12-cylinder engines, which could develop 550hp at maximum revolutions, and 450 hp at 1400 RPM in cruise.
LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin - History, Design and Development
LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin was a rigid airship from 1928 to 1937. It was made in Germany to carry passengers; it made 590 flights and flew over million miles. It was named after Ferdinand von Zeppelin, German pioneer of airships - the Zeppelins. LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin was 235m long and had 33.3m in diameter.
LZ 127 | This Day in Aviation
2024年9月18日 · 8 August 1929: The rigid airship Graf Zeppelin, LZ 127, under the command of Dr. Hugo Eckener, departed Lakehurst Naval Air Station, New Jersey, heading east across the Atlantic Ocean on an around-the-world flight. The flight was sponsored by publisher William Randolph Hearst, who had placed several correspondents aboard.