LA-RAK II AVB - L-Acoustics
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L-Acoustics LA-RAKs - ARRIUS
The L-Acoustics LA-RAK is a comprehensive, modular, and rugged amplification and signal distribution system designed for efficient, high-quality audio amplification in large-scale sound reinforcement setups.
L-Acoustics Launches Revolutionary LA7.16 Amplified Controller
The new LA-RAK III touring rack houses three LA7.16 amplified controllers boasting 48 amplification channels and 48 individual DSP channels totaling more than 60,000 watts of peak power in a 9U rack, with two LS10 switches to support MILAN AVB seamless redundancy.
L-Acoustics LA-RAK II - Magna-Tech Electronic Co.
The LA-RAK II is built upon the LA12X amplified controller and offers an advanced drive rack solution for all L-Acoustics systems. It features signal and power distribution in a comprehensive plug-and-play touring package. Usable worldwide, the LA-RAK II facilitates the tour logistics and cross-rental between L-Acoustics rental network agents.
L-Acoustics LA-RAK - Magna-Tech Electronic Co.
The LA-RAK combines in a 9U frame three LA8 amplified controllers, two I/O patch panels for signal and network distribution, and a power distribution panel. A dolly board is included for moving the LA-RAK. Two coupling bars allow assembly with another LA-RAK or a flying frame.
LA-RAK-專業音視頻解決方案-華匯音響 - racpro.net
華匯音響顧問有限公司是一家專業從事音視頻產品代理、設計、銷售、工程、培訓及維保的集團化公司,是業界眾多高端音視頻產品大中華區唯一總代理商。 華匯公司長期堅持「兩個融合」的經營理念,即堅持以國際音響尖端設備和技術與中國應用需求相融合、堅持將最先進的科技與最精美藝 …
LA-RAK II – PT. Berkat Mitra Swara
Analog and digital Signal/Network/Power distribution Engineered 9U frame allows flying and rigging Electric compatibility with LA-RAK Mechanical compatibility with LA-RAK AES/EBU and AVB ready Categories: L Acoustics, Amplified Controllers Description
LA-RAK II AVB is a flyable touring rack offering twelve channels of amplification in a 9 U frame. Three LA12X amplified controllers, two LS10 AVB switches and power and signal distribution panels are internally prewired to offer a plug-and-play, reliable solution that allows for seamless networked audio redundancy based on the Milan protocol.
L-Acoustics LA-RAK II Touring Rack - deltalive.com
LA-RAK II AVB is a flyable touring rack offering twelve channels of high-power amplification in a 9U frame. It is equipped with three LA12X amplified controllers, two LS10 AVB switches, two panels for mains power and signal distribution and a blank panel.