Laax - Switzerland Tourism
With 235 kilometres of pistes stretching across 100+ square kilometres of snow-assured slopes around the 'Crap Sogn Gion', the ski region of the Flims, Laax and Falera resorts constitutes one of Switzerland's very large, connected winter sports regions. In summer, Flims Laax Falera becomes one enormous outdoor 'playground' for active guests.
Flims Laax | Home
Flims Laax has so much to offer. Biking Hiking Skiing Snowboarding Freestyling - Unique experiences during your summer and winter vacations in Flims Laax Falera!
滑雪和单板滑雪 - LAAX
一个滑雪和单板滑雪爱好者的冬季天堂,拥有224公里的滑道、五个独特的雪地公园、世界上最大的U型池和29个缆车设施。 LAAX——喧嚣结束,冒险开始的地方。 你会爱上它的! 购买2024/25冬季赛季的票在 票务商店 或在 LAAX应用程序。 无论是初学者、家庭、进阶者还是专业人士,我们的蓝色、红色和黑色滑雪道组合都能满足不同水平和需求的乐趣。 在海拔1,100到3,018米之间, 224公里的滑雪道 中,你可以发现迷人的山地世界和显著的地标,如联合国教科文组 …
Ski & Snowboard - LAAX
The winter sports paradise LAAX stretches from 1,100 m above sea level to 3,018 m above sea level on the Vorab Glacier. With a total of 224 kilometers of slopes and 29 lift facilities it is one of the largest winter sports areas in Switzerland and is …
17 Tips For A Perfect Ski Trip To LAAX - The World Pursuit
2024年2月24日 · LAAX is one of Switzerland’s biggest and best ski resorts. The ski area may have made its name in recent years for its massive parks and contests, but its history is steeped in classic downhill skiing. Along the way, it never lost its roots and still makes for a wonderful ski destination in Switzerland.
Galaaxy LAAX - The Space Station in the ski resort LAAX
The galaaxy is considered the hub of the LAAX ski resort and is much more than just a normal mountain station. In winter we are happy to host our guests in the Restaurant Capalari or the Main Station. You also can enjoy the sun on our terrace on the Sun Deck or the Satellite Bar.
A Complete Laax Skiing Holiday Guide | WeSki
Laax is known for its youthful, freestyle energy, home to the rocksresort and lively après-ski near the base lifts. Flims retains a more traditional Swiss feel, with a family-friendly setup and comfortable accommodations near quieter slopes. Falera is the smallest, offering an intimate chalet village charm.
LAAX ist ein Winterparadies für Ski- und Snowboard-Begeisterte mit 224 Pistenkilometer, fünf einzigartigen Snowparks, der grössten Halfpipe der Welt, 29 Bahnanlagen und diversen Restaurationsbetriebe am Berg und im Tal. Der Airport Shuttle bringt dich direkt von Zürich nach Laax und wieder zurück.
Schneebericht LAAX - Schweiz Tourismus
Informieren Sie sich über die aktuellen Schneeverhältnisse in LAAX: Schneehöhen, Schneezustand, offene Anlagen, Pistenbericht, Loipenbericht, Schlittelpisten, Snowparks und Winterwandern.
LAAX Live: Always up to date!
Laax Base Station. 3°C. More details Crap Sogn Gion-1°C. More details Vorab Glacier-2°C. More details Lifts. 0Lifts open. 0 of 28 lifts Snowparks. 4Parks open. 4 of 5 snowparks. Slopes. 167km. 167km slopes open. Tickets. Ski & Snowboard tickets - book early and …