Coalition agreements and governments’ policy-making productivity
2023年1月23日 · We argue that coalition governments that rely on a written coalition agreement are more productive in terms of making policy reforms than those without. We further suggest that the productivity boost of coalition agreements should be more pronounced for minimal winning cabinets and less so for minority and surplus cabinets.
Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change
2020年7月28日 · Coalitions can also shift unions from being agents focused on the work- place to becoming organizations that connect workplace concerns with a broad agenda that in turn can transform the...
Building Bridges, Coalitions, and an Inclusive Labor Movement
“If improved infrastructure is increasing productivity, the benefits should be shared by workers and our communities instead of only executives at the top,” continues Smiley. “Workers should benefit with more paid vacation, shorter work hours with the same or higher annual pay, and training to support the next set of innovations.
Unions, Worker Voice, and Management Practices: Implications for …
2019年12月1日 · Freeman and Medoff suggest three potential pathways by which unions can affect productivity: restricting labor supply, restrictive work rules, and “voice.” The restriction to labor supply and work rules set off changes to employers’ allocation of capital and innovations to make more efficient use of higher-cost labor.
Coalition bargaining time and governments’ policy‐making productivity …
2023年12月20日 · In this paper, we have investigated the role that bargaining time has on the subsequent reform productivity of coalition governments. We have argued that longer negation periods will increase reform productivity of cabinets and should help mitigate the negative effects of intra-cabinet heterogeneity.
The Coalition’s Productivity Priorities Working Group has spent the last nine months consulting widely and in detail with businesses, industry representatives and not for profit ... labour. It enables greater consumption of goods and services per person, including education, health and other community services.” 1.
but the excess supply of labor has dwindled Excess labor supply, millions Sources: International Labour Organization; US Bureau of Labor Statistics; McKinsey Global Institute analysis-6-4-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2000 05 10 15 20 23 24-112% Note: US data begins Q4 2000 +12.7 M Excess labor supply in Q4 2009-1.5 M Excess labor supply (deficit) as ...
In Brief: The Recent Rise in US Labor Productivity
2024年4月25日 · US labor productivity has enjoyed a period of renewed growth over the past year, interrupting a nearly twenty-year decline: the 2.7 percent productivity growth in 2023 outpaces the 1.5 percent annual average since 2004, and it nearly matches the 2.9 percent pace seen during the country’s last productivity surge in the 1990s.
Quarterly Industry-Level Labor Productivity Data for the U.S.
We introduce a data set with quarterly measures of labor productivity growth for 87 industries in the U.S. since 2006. These data shine a new light on the changes in the industry drivers of productivity growth and the importance of shifts in the composition of economic activity for aggregate productivity growth.
Unions Power Prosperity: A Report from the Union-Led Advisory …
The 2020s are proving to be an exceedingly difficult decade for working people. On top of the upheaval caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing cost-of-living crisis, workers face growing sources of strain, including profound structural shifts such as aging workforces and mounting staffing shortages, industrial transformation stemming from climate change, and far-reaching technological changes.
How Unions Can Increase Firm Productivity and Strengthen …
2023年9月6日 · Evidence suggests that the benefits of labor unions are widespread for the American economy, for businesses and workers alike. Worker voice in production improves outcomes. In the United States, unions generally have a positive impact on productivity, and this effect is particularly strong among manufacturing firms.
TED: The Economics Daily - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
3 天之前 · From the fourth quarter of 2023 to the fourth quarter of 2024, nonfarm business labor productivity increased 2.0 percent, reflecting a 2.6-percent increase in output and a 0.6-percent increase in hours worked. Over-the-year increases in labor productivity have ranged from 2.5 percent to 3.3 percent in each quarter since the third quarter of 2023.
What labor-community coalitions tell us about effective global …
2007年7月1日 · The chapter first outlines the key elements of labor-community coalitions, identifying five significant indicators of coalitions including common concern, structure, organizational...
Organizing Together: Benefits and Drawbacks of Community-Labor ...
2020年3月1日 · Specifically, community organizations that collaborate with labor unions tend to engage in less neighborhood-level organizing, have fewer volunteers, and turn out fewer members to organizing...
Demanding a return to office, Dutton says women seeking flexible …
2025年3月4日 · In short: The Coalition wants to force public servants to return to the office five days a week. The government says ending work from home arrangements would limit women's access to the workforce.
Productivity up 2.3 percent in 2024 - U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
2025年2月12日 · Labor productivity in the nonfarm business sector increased 2.3 percent in 2024, following an increase of 1.6 percent in 2023 and a decrease of 1.5 percent in 2022. The rise in labor productivity in 2024 resulted from a 2.9-percent increase in output combined with a 0.6-percent increase in hours worked.
What is labor productivity, and how has it changed in the US
2023年10月31日 · Labor productivity, also known as workforce productivity, is an economic indicator that helps people understand how efficiently workers produce goods and services. It indicates how much output is generated per labor hour. In simpler terms, labor productivity helps gauge how effectively employees are using their time and resources to create ...
The Minimum Wage Debate: Do Higher Wages Boost Productivity …
6 天之前 · An increase in the supply of labor due to immigration drove down wages, and the fact that most available jobs were low-skill positions meant that virtually anyone could take the role. Another era of low wages was the worldwide Great Depression, ... which increases productivity. Businesses that can hire workers for extremely low wages may ...
A 10 ppb increase in air quality is linked to a decline in labor productivity between 0.35% (Chang et al.(2019)) and 5.5% (Graff Zivin and Neidell(2012)).Hansen-Lewis(2018) report a very small impact of pollution on productivity for India.
Labor Productivity and Economic Growth | Macroeconomics
Sustained long-term economic growth comes from increases in worker productivity, which essentially means how well we do things. In other words, how efficiently does a nation use its workers and other resources? Labor productivity is the output that each employed person creates per unit of his or her time.