Laelia - Wikipedia
Laelia is a small genus of 25 species in the orchid family (Orchidaceae). [1] Laelia species are found in areas of subtropical or temperate climate in Central and South America , but mostly in …
Laelia - The American Orchid Society
A new and spectacularly flowered rupicolous Laelia from Brazil, Laelia duveenii Fowl., sp. nov. Orchid Digest 52:180-182. Fowlie, J. A. 1989. In Brazil: part XXXVI: the reappearance of …
Laelia Sec.Hadrolaelia - American Orchid Society
The sixth species is Laelia alaorii, the most recently described. It comes from coastal humid forest in the state of Bahia, at elevations around 1,000 ft. (some 300 m.); this is the warmest growing …
蕾丽兰,(属名Laelia)来自罗马神话中一名服侍女灶神的女仆Laeli,中文名直译为蕾丽兰。 蕾丽兰原产于南美,是嘉德丽雅兰(Cattleya sp.)的近缘兰属,花色较卡特兰艳丽许多,花色变化 …
Laelia-milleri - Andy's Orchids
Genus: Laelia; Species: milleri; More Laelia(s) Laelia dayana $32.00 + ADD TO CART Laelia albida $45.00 + ADD TO CART Laelia anceps v. guerrero $38.00 + ADD TO CART Laelia …
Laelia – Orchids for the People
Laelia Like most other cultivated orchids, laelias are mostly epiphytes, or air-plants, with a few species being lithophytic (grows on or in crags of rocks). Because they are …
Laelia | Description & Geographical Range | Britannica
Laelia, genus of orchids (family Orchidaceae), containing about 25 species of plants with attractively coloured flowers. The plants are found in semitropical and temperate areas of …
Laelia Orchids – History, Curiosities and How to Care - Planticulous
2024年2月22日 · Laelia is a genus of orchids with 24 accepted species, mainly native to Brazil and Mexico. These orchids are famous among cultivators for their flowers, which exhibit a …
Laelia Sec.Parviflorae - American Orchid Society
Among these groups, the yellow flowered ones have small to large plants and short to long inflorescences according to the species, as do the pink to purple flowered species; the orange …
Laelia Orchids, The Mayflower Orchid - Orchid Republic Floral …
Laelia orchids hail from the beautiful regions of Mexico and Brazil. This orchid genus is closely related to the Cattleya orchids. Learn all about its orchid species, flower meaning, and orchid …