Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-1 - Wikipedia
The Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-1 (Russian: Лавочкин-Горбунов-Гудков ЛаГГ-1) was a Soviet fighter aircraft of World War II. Although not very successful, it formed the basis for a series of aircraft that would eventually become some of the most formidable Soviet fighters of the war.
拉沃契金设计局 - 百度百科
LaGG-1 600 km/hr (373 mph) 的最大速度以及一门 20mm 机炮、两挺 12.7-mm 机枪的火力堪称是 1941 年初世界优秀的战机之一。
Lavochkin LaGG-1 - Warbirds Resource Group
Conceived in 1938, the LaGG-1 was a light-weight aircraft designed around the Klimov M-105 engine and using laminated wood in it's construction to save on strategic materials. The first prototype flew on March 30, 1940, and once some initial difficulties had been worked out of the design, proved to be promising, if somewhat short of what its ...
Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3 - Wikipedia
The Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3 (Лавочкин-Горбунов-Гудков ЛаГГ-3) was a Soviet fighter aircraft of World War II. It was a refinement of the earlier LaGG-1 and was one of the most modern aircraft available to the Soviet Air Force at the time of Germany's invasion in 1941. Compared to its opponents the LaGG-3 was ...
I-301 / LaGG-1 Fighter Prototype - GlobalSecurity.org
In December 1940, I-301 was renamed the LaGG-1, and its improved version, with longer range (up to 1000 km) - in the LaGG-3. Once on the new fighter increased fuel capacity (due to the...
LaGG-1 (航空機) - Wikipedia
LaGG-1 (Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-1 ラググ1 / 露 : ЛаГГ-1 ラーググ・アヂーン)は、 ソヴィエト連邦 の OKB-301設計局 が開発した単発 単葉 の 戦闘機 である。 開発中に出された新たな要求に対応したモデルが、後に LaGG-3 として空軍や海軍航空隊で運用された。 後に主力戦闘機の一角を担うこととなる全木製戦闘機のアイデアを考案したのは、ウラジミール・ゴルブーノフであった。 防衛産業省(NKOP)の航空部門の長であった彼は、その立場から自国 …
Zvezda 4833 LaGG-3 Soviet Fighter (Series 66) - super-hobby.com
The LaGG-3 plane was created in response to the urgent need to modernize the Soviet aviation. Its model was the LaGG-1 (a prototype from 1940, Lavochkin, Gorbunov, Gudkov), initially bearing the designation I-22. Unlike other Soviet designs of that period, it was to be constructed of indefinite domestic materials, i.e. wood.
LaGG-3, Zvezda 4833 (2024) - Scalemates
Zvezda model kit in scale 1:48, 4833 is a NEW tool released in 2024 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3 | EAN: 4600327048332
1/48 - Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3 by Zvezda - released
2023年11月3日 · Zvezda is to release a new tool 1/48th Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3 kit - ref. 4833 Source: https://vk.com/zvezdamodels?w=wall-29859496_2798054 V.P.
Lawotschkin LaGG-3 – Wikipedia
Die Lawotschkin-Gorbunow-Gudkow LaGG-3 (russisch Лавочкин-Горбунов-Гудков ЛаГГ-3), so ihre vollständige Typbezeichnung, war ein einsitziges, einmotoriges Jagdflugzeug, das von der Sowjetunion entwickelt und im Zweiten Weltkrieg eingesetzt wurde.