Lahu people - Wikipedia
The Lahu people (Chinese: 拉祜族 Lāhùzú; Lahu: Ladhulsi / Kawzhawd; Vietnamese: La Hủ) are an ethnic group native to China, Myanmar, and the rest of Mainland Southeast Asia. The Chinese name "Lahu" literally means "to drag favour from heaven" (拉, lā, "to drag"; 祜, …
Lahu | Hill Tribe, Ethnic Group, Thailand | Britannica
Lahu, peoples living in upland areas of Yunnan, China, eastern Myanmar (Burma), northern Thailand, northern Laos, and Vietnam who speak related dialects of Tibeto-Burman languages. Although there is no indigenous Lahu system of writing, three different romanized Lahu orthographies exist; two of these were developed by Christian missionaries and ...
The Indigenous Lahu People - Peoples of the World
Originating in China in the area around the Tibetan plateau, the Lahu have migrated in the past two hundred years to bordering Southeast Asian countries and also, in 1975 as refugees, to the United States. The current world Lahu population is around one million. Most of these still live in Yunnan Province, southwestern China.
lahu - 百度百科
lahu,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“拉祜族;拉祜族人”。 [1] Lahu culture 拉祜族文化. the Lahu 拉祜族. lahu chinese 中国拉祜族. lahu ethnic 拉祜族. Lahu language 拉祜语. Lahu tribe 拉祜族. Lahu studies 拉祜族研究. lahu nationality 拉祜族. Lahu Expansion 拉祜扩 [1] Its application once exerted great influence on the Lahu Nationality.拉祜文的应用曾对拉祜族产生重 …
拉祜族 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
这部史诗主要流传于云南省思茅市澜沧拉祜族自治县境内,是拉祜族民间流传最广的一部长篇诗体神话,是拉祜族民族民间文学中最重要的作品。 2006年5月20日,牡帕密帕列入第一批 国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 拉祜族的传统服饰以黑为美,男女服饰的主色调都是黑色。 男子一般穿对襟短衫、黑布长裤,戴黑布便帽或用黑色头巾裹头。 妇女穿开襟、开衩的黑布长衫,袖口、襟边镶着银泡、缝缀着各种花边,下着黑布长裤,头缠黑色的长头布,头布两端装饰着彩色长穗,裹绑腿 …
Lahu language - Wikipedia
Lahu (autonym: Ladhof [lɑ˥˧xo˩]) is a Tibeto-Burman language spoken by the Lahu people of China, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Laos. It is widely used in China, both by Lahu people, and by other ethnic minorities in Yunnan, who use it as a lingua franca. [2] .
拉祜語 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉祜语(Lahu、Ladhof [lɑ 53 xo 11] )是拉祜族的语言,属于漢藏語系 緬彝語支,主要分布在中国云南西南部,缅甸 掸邦、泰国北部、老挝、越南也有分布,使用人数约65万。
Lahu - SpringerLink
The Lahu are also known as the Luohei, Mussur, and Mian. The Lahu are located in Southwest China, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. The Lahu are a Tibeto-Burman-speaking people (Chang, 1986, p. 1; Matisoff, 1988, p.
拉祜族 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2023年11月7日 · 拉祜族源于甘肃、青海地区的古羌人,历史上曾有古羌人的部分支系向南迁徙,约在春秋战国时期进入今云南境内,分布在金沙江南岸地带。 秦汉时期,活动于洱海地区的彝语支各族体被泛称为“昆明夷”,拉祜族的先民就是起源于此。 自唐代起,拉祜族先民自金沙江南岸地带分东西两侧陆续南迁,其中西路一支,经今弥渡、巍山,渡澜沧江,到达临沧,分布在澜沧江以西地区,称为“拉祜族”;东路一支,顺今哀牢山西侧和无量山东侧南下,分布在澜沧江以东地 …
Lahu Ethnic Group: Discovering the Culture ... - Native Tribe Info
2023年5月17日 · Lahu is a minority ethnic group in Southeast Asia, mainly residing in China, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos. The Lahu people have their own distinctive culture, language, and traditional practices that have been passed down from generation to generation. In this article, we will explore the world of Lahu culture and what makes it unique. The Lahu ...