What Is This Lahu Thing Called Love? - Anthropology News
2019年1月28日 · As she makes this choice, however, the fundamental Lahu-ness is visible only within a Lahu frame. From the colonizing perspective of civilizing projects, such choice must be read as either fundamentally “modern” and in accordance with “civilized” values or, alternatively, “primitive” and reflecting an absence of sufficient control ...
Lahu people - Wikipedia
The Lahu are one of the 56 ethnic groups officially recognized by the People's Republic of China, where about 720,000 live in Yunnan province, mostly in Lancang Lahu Autonomous County. In Thailand, the Lahu are one of the six main groups categorized as hill tribes. [3]
Lahu - Settlements - World Culture Encyclopedia
These people make temporary huts, or even simpler wind shelters, by covering a bamboo or wooden frame with wild banana or bamboo leaves. They sleep on leaves next to their house fires. Such huts have to be rebuilt about once a month.
拉祜语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉祜语(Lahu、Ladhof [lɑ 53 xo 11] )是拉祜族的语言,属于汉藏语系 缅彝语支,主要分布在中国云南西南部,缅甸 掸邦、泰国北部、老挝、越南也有分布,使用人数约65万。
拉祜族研究综述——民族学 (人类学)视野下的拉祜族历史文化研究
Summary of Research on the Ethic of the lahu People——Study on the History and Culture of the Lahus from the Vision of Ethnology
Lahu - iam.gov.mo
In 1957, a phonogram script was created based on the original one. The Lahu people used to farm using primitive techniques like slash and burn. In recent decades, advancements in politics, economy, culture, education and hygiene have been achieved. Before 1950s, the Lahu people believed in polytheistic primitive religion.
The Lahu that live in Chinese and Yi areas in Yunnan tend to practice wetland rice agriculture and live in mud-brick Chinese-style homes while those that live in hill regions of Yunnan, Myanmar, Laos and Thailand practice slash and burn agriculture and lived in houses that are raised off the ground on stilts or piles and comprised of a wood ...
Lahu Mythology | Mythosphere
The Lahu people, an ethnic group residing in regions of southwestern China, Myanmar, Laos, and northern Thailand, have historically practiced a religious tradition grounded in animism, ancestral veneration, and reverence for a supreme creator deity.
Learning Lahu · Laˇhuˍ hkawˇ
The Lahu language is in the Tibeto-Burman group of languages and is spoken by the Lahu people throughout the regions of China, Myanmar and Thailand. Each subgroup of Lahu people has its own particular dialect or way of speaking. Most, though, can understand Black Lahu (Laˇhuˍ naˆ) and this is regarded as the “lingua franca” of the Lahu ...
Fonts · Laˇhuˍ hkawˇ - Felix Hanley
2020年3月31日 · Unicode version 5.1 has the necessary characters to represent the tone marks in the Lahu written language. There are not many fonts around that actually include them. One good resource is SIL which produces at least two nice fonts that are capable of representing these characters. Both CharisSIL and DoulosSIL are at Unicode version 5.
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