Lahu people - Wikipedia
The Lahu people (Chinese: 拉祜族 Lāhùzú; Lahu: Ladhulsi / Kawzhawd; Vietnamese: La Hủ) are an ethnic group native to China, Myanmar, and the rest of Mainland Southeast Asia. The Chinese name "Lahu" literally means "to drag favour from heaven" (拉, lā, "to drag"; 祜, …
Why Women In Himachal's Pini Village Shed Clothes On This 5 …
The event is held in this village to commemorate the moment when the Lahu Ghond deity vanquished a demon on the first day of the month of Bhadrab. The demon is believed to have …
A village where women go without clothes for five days to attend …
2024年8月27日 · In the village of Pini, nestled in the Kullu district, there is an ancient tradition where women abstain from wearing clothes for five days during a festival in the final days of the month of Sawan. During this period, women remain indoors, avoid contact with their husbands, and refrain from laughing or speaking much.
In this Himachal Pradesh village women do not wear clothes
2020年2月13日 · The festival in this village is celebrated to celebrate the occasion when the deity of Lahu Ghond killed the demons on the first day of the month of ‘Bhadrab’. The festival is celebrated over five days and people are not allowed to drink during that period. The women after shedding their clothes use woolen pattas to cover their modesty.
Ancient Secret: A Village Where Women Go Unclad for 5 Days
2024年8月27日 · According to local lore, centuries ago, Pini was attacked by 'Rakshas'—mythical demons—who inflicted great harm on the women. The god 'Lahu Ghond' is said to have appeared and saved the village...
拉祜族研究综述——民族学 (人类学)视野下的拉祜族历史文化研究
摘要 拉祜族是一个跨境民族,在国外,拉祜族研究起步早,论著不少,但在国内介绍不多。 在国内,建国后,随着国家重视和地方高校的学者参与研究,整理、出版了大量的文化史资料,为拉祜族的研完提供了良好的条件。 20世纪90年代以前,对拉祜... 展开更多 拉祜族是一个跨境民族,在国外,拉祜族研究起步早,论著不少,但在国内介绍不多。 在国内,建国后,随着国家重视和地方高校的学者参与研究,整理、出版了大量的文化史资料,为拉祜族的研完提供了良好的条件。 20世纪90年代以前,对拉祜 …
拉祜族 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
牡帕密帕,是拉祜族“波阔嘎阔”演唱的一部长篇诗体创世神话,牡帕密帕是拉祜语的译音,为“造天造地”的意思。 这部史诗主要流传于云南省思茅市澜沧拉祜族自治县境内,是拉祜族民间流传最广的一部长篇诗体神话,是拉祜族民族民间文学中最重要的作品。 2006年5月20日,牡帕密帕列入第一批 国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 拉祜族的传统服饰以黑为美,男女服饰的主色调都是黑色。 男子一般穿对襟短衫、黑布长裤,戴黑布便帽或用黑色头巾裹头。 妇女穿开襟、开衩的黑布长 …
The Lahu People 拉祜族 - WentChina
2022年7月4日 · The Lahu people 拉祜族 is one of the oldest ethnic groups in China. The national language is the Lahu language, which belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family 汉藏语系. They worship many gods. The Lahu people are distributed in China, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and other countries.
Lahu Mythology | Mythosphere
The Lahu people, an ethnic group residing in regions of southwestern China, Myanmar, Laos, and northern Thailand, have historically practiced a religious tradition grounded in animism, ancestral veneration, and reverence for a supreme creator deity.
China's Minority Peoples - The Lahus
2014年6月7日 · In the historical documents of the Qing Dynasty, the Lahus were called "Luohei", but they call themselves "Lahu" meaning "roast tiger". The name shows that the Lahus used to be a hunting tribe. The Kucong people are another branch of the Lahus. After the founding of new China, they were formally called the Lahu Nationality.
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