Lai Fu Zi - 莱菔子 - Semen Raphani - American Dragon
Both Lai Fu Zi and Sm. Sinapis Bai Jie Zi excel at reducing Phlegm to treat cough and wheezing. Lai Fu Zi is gentle and neutral, acts within the organs, regulates Lung, Spleen and Large Intestine Qi to dispel fullness and eliminate Food Stagnation. It can be used for Hot or Colon disorders.
Lai Fu Zi (Radish seeds) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
Lai Fu Zi is a king ingredient in San Zi Yang Qin Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula. In San Zi Yang Qin Tang, Lai Fu Zi enters the Lung Channel to direct the Qi downward and transform Phlegm, and mobilizes the Spleen Channel to promote the flow of Spleen Qi and reduce harbored food.
Lai Fu Zi - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Lai Fu Zi (Semen Raphani)——Ri Hua Zi Ben Cao (Rihuazi Materia Medica) The mature seeds of Raphanus sativus L. of family Cruciferae. All parts in China. Collected in summer when the fruits are ripe. No smell, sweet, slightly pungent. Big without impurity, red.
Lai Fu Zi (Radish Seed, Semen Raphani, 莱菔子) - ActiveHerb
Lai Fu Zi is acrid, sweet, neutral. Lai Fu Zi influences Lung, Spleen, Stomach. Reduces food stagnation and eliminates distention. Directs Qi downward and transforms phlegm. 消食除胀,降气化痰. In TCM, Lai Fu Zi bulk herbs is used in the daily dosage of 4.5 to 9 g. In most cases, bulk herbs are cooked in boiling water to make tea or soup for consumption.
Lai Fu Zi - Radish Seed - Semen Raphani | Best Chinese Medicines
What is Lai Fu Zi?: The Chinese Herb Lai Fu ZI is the dried seed from the cultivated radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Lai Fu Zi strongly disperses qi in the Spleen and Stomach channels, which has the effect of promoting digestion primarily by dissolving food …
Lai Fu Zi - 1st Chinese Herbs
L ai Fu Zi is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb. Traditionally it is used to promote digestion, ease gastrointestinal distension, direct qi downward and rid phlegm.
Lai Fu Zi - Radish seed - Raphanus - Chinese Herbal Medicine
2013年5月17日 · Nature: acrid, sweet, (maybe bitter), neutral. Enters: Spleen, Stomach, Lung. Actions: Descends the Lung Qi; resolves phlegm; promotes digestion, eliminates food retention; slight function to promote bowel movement.
Restore Digestive Harmony with Radish Seeds Herb (Lai Fu Zi
Lai Fu Zi, or known botanically as Semen Raphani Sativi (or what we might simply call "radish seeds") are highly regarded within Traditional Chinese Medicine theory because of their powerful potency when it comes to digestive support and health.
Lai Fu Zi - Radish/Turnip Seeds TCM Materia Medica - Yin Yang …
The TCM herb "lai fu zi" which in english is "radish/turnip seeds", is categorized within the "herbs that relieve food stagnation" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the lung, spleen and stomach channels and exhibits acrid, neutral (ping) and sweet (gan) taste/temperature properties.
Chinese Nutrition Properties of Lai Fu Zi
Lai Fu Zi in TCM: Explore the properties of Lai Fu Zi according to Chinese Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Factoids: English Name: raphanus, radish seed Pharmacuetical Name: Semen Raphani Properties: acrid, sweet, neutral Temperature: neutral Channels: LU, ST, SP Flavors: sweet, pungent