Laith NAMIQ | Ph.D. | University of California, Berkeley, CA | UCB ...
Laith I Namiq University of California, Berkeley. Laith does research in Civil Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Their current project is 'NUMERICAL TOOLS IN SOIL …
LAITH NAMIQ Profile | Geoworld
Latest Publications Noise filtration of shockwave propagation in multi-layered soils Journal Article published 2017 Nov 3 in International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental …
LAITH NAMIQ | University of Baghdad - Academia.edu
LAITH NAMIQ, University of Baghdad, Civil Engineering Department, Faculty Member. Studies Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, and Engineering Design.
LAITH NAMIQ | University of Baghdad - Academia.edu
LAITH NAMIQ, University of Baghdad: 5 Followers, 100 Following, 11 Research papers. Research interests: Civil Engineering, Engineering, and Geotechnical…
mination of the in-situ characteristics of lunar s o i l s and rocks. John Hovland, David Katz, Laith I. Namiq, James B. Thompson, Tran K. Van, and Ted S o Vinson served as Graduate Research …
The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive NISEE e-Library
Creator (s): Duncan, James M.; Byrne, Peter M.; Wong, Kai S.; Mabry, Phillip Identifier: Text-200712196 Title: CON2D: a finite element computer program for analysis of consolidation …
Geotechnical Department, AKRF, Inc., USA. Numerical methods, and especially the finite-element method (FEM), are usually adopted for the analyses of shockwave propagation in nonlinear …
Laith Namiq Profile | Geoworld
Group Membership Albums Connections Publications Other Professional Information Field of Practice None specified Industry Academia-Professor Expertise None specifiedLaith Namiq
Noise filtration of shockwave propagation in multi-layered soils
Numerical methods, and especially the finite-element method (FEM), are usually adopted for the analyses of shockwave propagation in nonlinear inelastic media. Noise or spurious …
OF MODEL PILES By LAITH ISMAIL NAMIQ Bachelor of Science University of Baghdad·· Baghdad, Iraq