Real-time Recognition of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and ...
2012年11月1日 · A quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) immunosensor has been successfully employed to screen for both whole Mycobacteria tuberculosis (Mtb) bacilli and a Mtb surface antigen, lipoarabinomannan (LAM). One of the most abundant components of the Mtb cell surface, LAM, may be detected without the presence of the entire bacterium.
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Archives - Lam Research
Combining CVD and ALD technologies, these market-leading systems deposit highly conformal metal films for advanced tungsten metallization applications. Using advanced ALD technology, these products deliver dielectric films with exceptional control for critical processes in advanced devices with nanoscale features.
Quartz crystal microbalance-based biosensors as rapid diagnostic ...
Developments of sensitive, rapid, and affordable diagnostic methods are necessary to improve the clinical management of infectious diseases. Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) systems have emerged as a robust biosensing platform due to their label-free mechanism, which allows the detection and quantification of a wide range of biomolecules.
XP8 QCM is a 300mm tool for high-productivity plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) for advanced node memory and logic applications. The QCM, or Quad Chamber Module, is a process module with four tightly integrated process reactors.
Quartz crystal microbalance - Wikipedia
A quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) (also known as quartz microbalance (QMB), sometimes also as quartz crystal nanobalance (QCN)) measures a mass variation per unit area by measuring the change in frequency of a quartz crystal resonator.
Lam Research—半导体五大设备当中最低调的公司 - 百家号
2022年6月18日 · Lam的等离子蚀刻专注于污染控制和可再生环境以及自动化装置,Lam以多晶矽作为主要业务,推出公司第一台产品AutoEtch 480,Lam获得了极大的成功,并于1984年在纳斯达克上市,代号LRCX。
ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition) - ASM
ALD is a surface-controlled layer-by-layer process that results in the deposition of thin films one atomic layer at a time. Layers are formed during reaction cycles by alternately pulsing precursors and reactants and purging with inert gas in between each pulse.
PCB多层电路板压合工艺说明 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
------电镀铜箔是将硫酸铜溶液在滚轮式的电镀槽 中于巨大滚轮表面镀得连续铜层,然后再经 粗化、耐热处理及防锈处理后得到商品化的 铜箔。 业界以重量作标示值,如最常见的1 OZ铜箔 (28.35克),乃指面积在1 ft2,而重量恰为1 OZ之厚度而言,因此1 OZ铜箔其真正厚度为1.38mil或35μm。 而应用于压制多层板的外层铜箔最常用的乃是1/2 OZ铜箔,即其厚度应该是0.69mil或17.5μm 。 ----分隔钢板乃是指在大型压板中用以分隔各 层多层板的薄钢板。 4)使用期限:可 …
石英晶体微天平(Quartz Crystal Microbalance,QCM)的发展始于上世纪60年代初期,它是一种非常灵敏的质量检测仪器,其测量精度可达纳克级,其灵敏度比电子微天平(微克级)高1000倍,理论上可以测到的质量变化相当于单分子层或原子层的几分之一。 由于具有结构简单、成本低、分辨率高、灵敏度高、特异性好、可实时在线监测等优点,石英晶体微天平被广泛应用于物理、生物、化学、医学等各个领域。 QCM主要由石英晶体传感器、信号收集、信号检测和数据处理 …
QCM性能参数–如何评估与比较 - 百欧林科技 – 耗散型 ...
当您想要投资购买石英晶体微天平(qcm)时,我们可以从多个方面评估是否购买该仪器,例如价格、实验功能和数据质量。 价格和实验功能很容易评估,但是辨别和比较不同厂家生产的QCM的数据质量会比较棘手。
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