Lamborghini 350 GT - Wikipedia
The Lamborghini 350 GT is a grand tourer manufactured by Lamborghini between 1964 and 1966. It was the first production vehicle produced by Lamborghini. [1] . The 350 GT was based on the earlier Lamborghini 350 GTV and was equipped with a 3.5 liter V12 engine and a 2-door coupé body by Carrozzeria Touring.
Lamborghini History - 350 GT | Lamborghini.com
Released less than a year after the company was first formed by Ferruccio Lamborghini, the 350 GT followed a classic Italian touring car layout, with a long bonnet, refined and compact cabin. The long nose accommodated a V12 engine that for the first time in a production car featured a double overhead camshaft.
兰博基尼350GT 奠定了超跑帝国牛马争霸的格局 - 懂车帝
2022年4月20日 · 全铝合金V12 发动机,五速 ZF 手动变速箱,铝制车身、索尔兹伯里限滑差速器、四轮独立悬架和真空伺服辅助的盘式制动器。 6.8 秒内从 0 加速到 100 公里/小时,16.3 秒内,继续加速到每小时 254 公里的最高速度,在上世纪60年代,这足够优秀了。 可是说,正是350GT这款车型的成功,这种开发理念和经营模式的成功确保兰博基尼生存下来,并最终成为了傲视群雄的法拉利最可怕的竞争对手。 牛马争霸开始。
Lamborghini 350 GT (1964-1966) - The Ultimate Guide
Under the hood, the 350 GT was powered by a 3.5-liter V12 engine, an engineering marvel designed by Giotto Bizzarrini. This engine delivered a remarkable 280 horsepower, enabling the car to reach top speeds of over 250 km/h (155 mph), with …
Lamborghini 350 GT (The Ultimate Guide) - LamboCARS
news, updates, auction results, wallpapers and more. we have it all when it comes to the lamborghini 350gt, lamborghini's stunning first production car
Lamborghini 350 GT – Guide - LamboCARS
2016年1月12日 · See our Lamborghini 350 GT guide, which goes into depth behind the history of the Lamborghini 350GT, press releases, photos, & more
Lamborghini 350 GT | Lamborghini Wiki | Fandom
The Lamborghini 350 GT was a front engine, rear wheel drive grand tourer manufactured by Automobili Lamborghini. between 1964 and 1966. It was one of the first production vehicle produced by Lamborghini.
超破兰博的第一台跑车-350GT - 网易
2018年8月9日 · 兰博基尼(Lamborghini)350GT是兰博基尼生产的第一款量产车,在1964年的3月,它亮相于日内瓦车展,同年的5月,它开始陆续交付到客户手中。 应该说350GT一炮走红,它的成功确保了兰博基尼公司在当时激烈的市场竞争中能够生存下来,直至今天成为另一个超级跑车 ...
Lamborghini 350 GT Market - CLASSIC.COM
Looking to sell your Lamborghini 350 GT? There are 0 Lamborghini 350 GT for sale right now - Follow the Market and get notified with new listings and sale prices.
Technical Specifications - Lamborghini 350 GT
The Lamborghini 350 GT was the first Lamborghini ever built. Find online the technical specifications, performance, consumption, and interior/exterior pictures.