The Evolution of Lamborghini - Tractor Forum
2014年1月12日 · Ferruccio Lamborghini was born in Italy on April 28, 1916 to parents who were grape growers. While he ultimately would take an interest in the industry of his parents upon retirement, his destiny led him elsewhere first. With a gift for all things mechanical, Lamborghini tinkered with various forms of machinery in his young life.
Engine races high on start up - Tractor Forum
2006年2月6日 · It's my dad's 318. When you start it up, the engine races to a really high RPM, and then falls back down to normal.
"Blue" Tractors in 1958 | Tractor Forum
2010年6月8日 · 1953 Lamborghini . Attachments. 1952 lamborghini tractor.jpg. 128.5 KB Views: 261. My 1948 Farmall Cub Project
Hydraulics &Cold Weather - Tractor Forum
2022年11月20日 · Bill is spot on with this.....I do about the same thing and I also, once it starts getting cold, leave something light on my 3 point hitch, usually pallet forks, and lower my 3 point before I shut the tractor off.....This way, I have to raise the 3 point before I do anything and that also cycles the fluid.....
Repair/service manuals for Ford 420 - Tractor Forum
2018年2月28日 · Welcome to the wonderful world of older used tractor ownership. You need to check more carefully (a strong light helps) for id numbers on your tractor (they are stamped into it) If there's no more info on the right side flat spot, check the corresponding spot on the left side.