Lamia - Wikipedia
Lamia (/ ˈleɪmiə /; Ancient Greek: Λάμια, romanized: Lámia), in ancient Greek mythology, was a child-eating monster and, in later tradition, was regarded as a type of night-haunting spirit or "daimon". In the earliest stories, Lamia was a beautiful …
拉米亞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉米亞 (希腊语:Λάμια) [1],是古 希臘神話 中一頭半人半 蛇 的女性 怪物,亦是在西方以獵殺小孩聞名的蛇妖。 在古希臘、 羅馬 的神話中,有很多像拉米亞般有著殺害孩童舉動的女妖,而拉米亞的特徵正在於其上半身為嬌豔女性,下半身卻是蛇類。 [2] 其名字拉米亞來自 希臘語 「Λάμιος」,意指「食道」,象徵「貪欲」,描述拉米亞吞食兒童的形象。 [3] 拉米亞是希臘神話中海神 波塞冬 與拉比(Lybie, 利比亞國 的人格化象徵)所生的女兒,亦是利比亞國的皇后, …
拉弥亚是希腊神话中海神波塞冬与拉比(Lybie,利比亚国的人格化象征)所生的女儿,亦是利比亚国的皇后,有着出众的美貌。 后来主神宙斯发现了拉弥亚的美色,主动与其结交,于是拉弥亚就成为了宙斯的情妇。 可是这段关系很快便被天后 赫拉 所揭发,怒不可遏的赫拉把拉弥亚所生的孩子全都掳走并加以杀害,又向伤心不已的拉弥亚施咒,令拉弥亚变成半人半蛇的怪物。 拉弥亚在赫拉咒语的影响下,每到伤心欲绝的时候都会忆子成狂,不能抑制地到处残杀及吞食孩童,以作报 …
Lamia – Mythopedia
2023年3月23日 · Lamia was a female spirit, known for carrying off young children and devouring them. In this, she was reminiscent of other malevolent spirits from Greek mythology, including Mormo and Gello. Lamia was usually represented as an ugly female monster with removable or detachable eyes (probably her most distinctive attribute).
Lamia - World History Encyclopedia
2022年9月15日 · Lamia is a female or a hermaphroditic demon found in Greek mythology who devoured children and seduced men. She appears in literature as early as the 6th century BCE and is said to be fearsome to look upon with an ugly face, the upper body of a woman, and the lower body of a serpent.
Lamia: Man-Eating Shapeshifter of Greek Mythology
2022年10月19日 · Lamia was a shapeshifting monster that devoured children in Greek mythology. Described as a half-woman, half-monster, Lamia roamed the countryside in search of her next meal. The name Lamia likely is derived from the Greek word laimios, meaning esophagus. Thus, Lamia’s name hints at her tendency to devour children whole.
LAMIA - Demon & Sea-Monster of Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology Lamia was a child-devouring sea-monster or night-haunting daemon. She was a daughter of Poseidon and mother of the monsters Scylla and Acheilus (the Shark). Lamia was originally a Libyan queen loved by Zeus.
Lamia (city) - Wikipedia
Lamia (Greek: Λαμία, Lamía, pronounced) is a city in central Greece. The city dates back to antiquity, and is today the capital of the regional unit of Phthiotis and of the Central Greece region (comprising five regional units).
艺术品展示 《拉弥亚》(Lamia)高清画作
Lamia (a second version painted in 1905 is privately owned in London) was inspired by Keats' celebrated poem of 1820, about a bridegroom who discovers on his wedding night that his bride is a monstrous half-serpent who preys on young men.
Lamia | Monster, Witch & Demon | Britannica
Lamia, in Classical mythology, a female daemon who devoured children. The ancient commentaries on Aristophanes’ Peace say she was a queen of Libya who was beloved by Zeus. When Hera robbed her of her children from this union, Lamia killed every child …