Lan Lijun - Wikipedia
Lan Lijun (born in December 1952, Chinese: 兰立俊), a native of Dafeng, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, is a diplomat representing the People's Republic of China.
兰立俊 - 百度百科
兰立俊,男,1952年12月生,江苏 大丰 人,公共管理硕士学位,中华人民共和国外交官。 曾任中华人民共和国驻瑞典王国大使。 1974年9月毕业于北京外国语大学英语系。 兰立俊,男,1952年12月生,江苏大丰人,公共管理硕士学位,中华人民共和国外交官。 曾任中华人民共和国驻瑞典王 …
Lan Lijun - Center for China and Globalization
Lan Lijun, Director-General of China Foundation for International Studies (CFIS), Former Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia, Canada and Sweden
China Foundation for International Studies
2022年8月22日 · The current director-general is Lan Lijun, former Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, Canada, and Sweden. A Middle East researcher explores drivers behind Arab countries’ growing interest in BRICS membership, on the back of successful accession of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates to the organization in 2023.
First Confucius Institute in Indonesia established at the Jakarta ...
Ambassador Lan Lijun pointed out that in recent years, China and Indonesia signed a joint declaration of a strategic relationship, aimed at strengthening the bilateral educational cooperation, actively carrying out training exchanges as well as encouraging teaching the language of the other side.
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China has noticed with appreciation that Sweden, as current Chair of the Arctic Council, values its communication with observers on Arctic issues. I believe this meeting will offer a great …
2007年1月21日 · 打印本页 转发 收藏 关闭 定义你的浏览字号: 中国驻印度尼西亚共和国大使馆简介 央视国际 www.cctv.com 2007年01月21日 21:20 来源:外交部网站 大 使: 兰立俊 (Lan Lijun)
蓝林网 - 分享国外网友的世界观
这与美国政客们和媒体在1960年代对苏联运动员的评论完全一样“那些肮脏的俄罗斯人在政府资助的体育院校里专业地训... 越来越多中国的“95后”喜欢并积极购买中国产品,而不是选择以前大 …
Lan Lin - Google 学术搜索
beijing university of technology - 引用次数:802 次
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