Aérospatiale SA 315B Lama - Wikipedia
The Aérospatiale SA 315B Lama is a French single-engined helicopter. It combines the lighter Aérospatiale Alouette II airframe with Alouette III components and powerplant. The Lama possesses exceptional high altitude performance.
1974 AEROSPATIALE SA315B LAMA - Aircraft.com
This venerable SA315 (Lama) with an EXTENSIVE spares package is available for immediate sale. Our customers operational requirements are evolving and therefore this well presented LAMA needs a new home. These are the number one high altitude helicopter around the world and are still in service and production with the Indian military.
Aerospatiale SA315B Lama Light Utility Helicopter - Military Factory
2020年7月2日 · The SA 315B "Lama" was developed by Aerospatiale of France during the 1960s specifically to meet a military requirement by the Indian and Nepali armies for a "Hot-and-High" performer to operate in the more unforgiving parts of the …
Aérospatiale SA 315 B Lama | This Day in Aviation
2025年3月17日 · The SA 315B Lama was designed to perform at the very high altitudes and temperatures necessary for service with the Indian Army. It combined an SE.3130 Alouette II airframe with a much more powerful Turboméca Astazou IIIB turboshaft engine—derated to 550 shaft horsepower—and the rotor system, transmission and gearboxes from the larger 7 ...
AEROSPATIALE SA-315 Lama - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The Aérospatiale SA 315B Lama is a French single-engined helicopter developed to meet a requirement for hot and high operations, it combines the Alouette II airframe with Alouette III components. The helicopter was licence built in India as the Cheetah.
Mengenal Sepuluh Model Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution yang Melegenda ...
2025年2月26日 · Mitsubishi Lancer adalah salah satu kendaraan unggulan Mitsubishi Motors sejak tahun 1970-an silam dan dikenal sebagai mobil sedan legendaris. Mobil ini telah terjual di seluruh penjuru dunia dalam jumlah lebih lebih dari 7 juta unit dan turut andil dalam membesarkan nama Mitsubishi di kancah industri otomotif dunia.
Aerospatiale SA315B Lama: Photos, History, Specification
Powered by a 550 hp (downgraded from 870 hp) Turbomeca Artouste IIIB series turboshaft engine, performance includes a top speed of 120 mph, a range of up to 320 miles, and a service ceiling of 17,715 feet. The rate of climb is measured at 1,080 feet per minute. From the outside, this helicopter looks very professional.
Inilah Evolusi Mitsubishi Lancer Dari Generasi Ke Generasi
2021年1月16日 · Berikut perjalanan Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Generasi Pertama. Ketika target 2.500 unit Lancer Evo terpenuhi, Lancer Evo I pun memulai kiprahnya di dunia otomotif pertama kali pada tahun produksinya di bulan Oktober 1992 hingga Januari 1994.
Aerospatiale SA315B Lama - Helis.com
SA315 Lama differs from the SA313 Alouette II principally in its single Turbomeca Artouste IIIb engine. Hover performance (in and out of ground effect) was also improved by a factor of 5.
Mitsubishi Lancer CK4 SEi & GLXi - Mobil Motor Lama
2016年4月6日 · Lancer CK4 ditawarkan dalam 2 versi, yaitu SEi (Special Edition injection) dan GLXi (Grand Luxury injection). Tipe tertinggi ada pada SEi dan yang paling murah GLXi manual. Perbedaan antar keduanya ada pada kelengkapan aksesorisnya saja.