PEQ-2 Lang Electronics - Heritage Audio
The LANG PEQ-2 Program Equalizer offers an inviting, easily controllable yet powerful processor to quickly adjust the frequency of your material while recording, mixing or mastering. Finally, after over 6 decades, thanks to Heritage Audio, one of the most desired equalizers of all time is back!
Lang-PEQ2 | Parametric EQ Real-time Plugin - Antelope Audio
The LANG-PEQ2 is modeled after a vintage solid-state parametric EQ from the 1960’s. Featuring controls similar to the VEQ-1A tube EQ, the PEQ2 really stands apart from the pack thanks to its frequency control, allowing users to set different and separate LF boost and LF cut frequencies.
Heritage Audio LANG PEQ-2 Program Equalizer - Sweetwater
LANG PEQ-2 Program Equalizer Features: Authentic LANG PEQ-2 reissue; Customer Heritage Audio transformers for balanced input and output signal; Same exact inductors and tone capacitors as in the original PEQ-2; Stepped controls for easy recall, matching, and selection of 26 different frequency options
LANG PEQ-2 - Users Heritage Audio
With independent controls for Boost and Droop (Cut) for both the High and Low bands you can quickly transform your material in interesting, creative ways that you have almost certainly never considered before. The ability to boost and cut at the same or similar frequencies produces exciting new equalised response curves.
Buy LANG PEQ-2 | EQ | Plugin Boutique
Faithful recreation of the rare Lang PEQ-2 Program Equalizer, known as the "Transistor Pultec" Meticulously modeled from the original hardware after Heritage Audio's 2022 reissue; Independent Boost and Droop (Cut) controls for both High and Low bands; Unique EQ curves by boosting and cutting at the same or similar frequencies
LANG electronics inc. | Finally, after over 6 decades, thanks to ...
LANG Program Equalizer has been reborn and is once again available to all! Finally, after over 6 decades, thanks to Heritage Audio, one of the most desired equalizers of all time is back! After recently acquiring the famous 1960s Pro Audio company LANG Electronics Inc…the PEQ-2.
Heritage Audio LANG Electronics PEQ-2 Passive Program Equalizer
Authentic reissue of the impossible-to-find LANG PEQ-2 single-channel passive program equalizer featuring the same Western Electric patent as the Pultec EQ, transformer-balanced inputs and outputs, and stepped controls for easy recall and matching. or $25.47 /month with 36-month special financing.
Lang Electronics PEQ-2 - Gearspace
The LANG PEQ-2 Program Equalizer offers an inviting, easily controllable yet powerful processor to quickly adjust the frequency of your material while recording, mixing or mastering. Finally, after over 6 decades, thanks to Heritage Audio, one of the most desired equalizers of all time is back!
Lang PEQ-1 super rare early passive tube Equalizer better - Reverb
Lang PEQ-1 super rare early passive tube Equalizer better than a Pultec! View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. I have not seen one of these come up for sale in years. This is basically the earlier (much more robust) tube version of the peq-2...
Heritage Audio PEQ-2 Passive Program Equalizer - B&H Photo …
After over six decades, Heritage Audio has revived one of the most desired program equalizers of all time with the PEQ-2, a passive EQ rack unit with powerful tone shaping controls and a versatility that goes beyond even the legendary Pultec. 26 frequency options provide wide ranging possibilities when processing signals, including the ability ...