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emojilang/emojilang: The unofficial repository - GitHub
Emojilang is a based entirely in the standard set of Unicode emojis. It was developed by user digigon in November of 2016 and first appeared on the conlangs subreddit. Since, it has seen significant development on its own subreddit and discord. Emojilang is a topic-prominent pro-drop head-final language.
️ Multilingual: All Emojis in 100+ Languages - EmojiTerra
Explore emojis in over 100 languages 🌐🗣️! Enhance your global communication with a multilingual library of emojis 🌍🚀.
As a multi-paradigm language Emojicode features object-orientation, optionals, generics, closures, and protocols. Emojicode compiles to native machine code using lots of optimizations that make your code fast. Emojicode comes with a comprehensive set of default packages. And you can easily write your own.
Iconic – The Universal Emoji Language
Iconic is a constructed language exploring the power of symbolism: it uses almost only emoji and there is no fixed pronunciation. What might seem strange at first has some unique advantages: ☀️ is the sun, ⛰️ is a mountain and 🌊 is a wave – no matter how you pronounce it …
The Emoji Language
The Emoji Language is a logographic language written entirely in Unicode emoji, created by Thomas Heller in 2021. Here you'll find the official reference grammar, dictionary, lessons, and sample texts.
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Programming language where you can code using emojis - GitHub
Programming language where you can code using emojis 😌. First make sure you have python (version 3.x) and pip installed. git clone https://github.com/grininja/emojilang.git emojilang. #Navigate into the directory cd emojilang. #Install the requirements . pip install -r requirements.txt. python main.py <Your File Path> # for example .
anowell/emoji-lang: Emoji-based language built in ruby - GitHub
Emoji Lang on top of any Ruby Virtual Machine. See the emoji keywords and/or samples. Open to suggestions and/or additional samples
Lang Emoji Packs
Find Lang emoji packs to use on Discord, Slack and everywhere else. Download thousands of the best Lang emojis on the internet.