Lani people - Wikipedia
The Lani are an indigenous people in Puncak, Central Papua and Lanny Jaya, Highland Papua, usually labelled 'Western Dani' by foreign missionaries, or grouped—inaccurately—with the Dani people who inhabit the Baliem Valley to the east.
The Lani People: Bone, J F: 9781419168666: Amazon.com: Books
Jun 17, 2004 · The Lani People by J.F. Bone is a science fiction novel set in a future where humanity has colonized multiple planets. The story follows a man named John Endlich who crash-lands on a planet inhabited by a primitive tribe of people called the Lani.
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The Lani People, by J. F. Bone - Project Gutenberg
The Lani, conceivably, could have been descendants of one of these groups, which probably explained the extreme care the Brotherhood courts had taken with their case. But they had failed the test, and were declared animals. Yet it was possible …
The Lani People by Jesse F. Bone | Project Gutenberg
Feb 1, 2001 · “The Lani People” by Jesse F. Bone is a science fiction novel that appears to have been written in the mid-20th century. The story follows Dr. Jac Kennon, a recent veterinary graduate, as he embarks on a new position on the primitive planet of Kardon.
The Lani People by J.F. Bone - Goodreads
The Lani People is the startling story of a planet that applied new scientific knowledge to techniques of breeding, and came up with a system that revolutionized society. 196 pages, Paperback. First published January 1, 1962.
The Lani People - Jesse F. Bone - Google Books
Dec 1, 2016 · In this thought-provoking novel from the peak of science fiction's golden era, a veterinarian finds himself enmeshed in a tricky ethical dilemma when he discovers that the "creatures" he's been...
[PDF] Lani People | 9781776673193 - Perlego
In this thought-provoking novel from the peak of science fiction's golden era, a veterinarian finds himself enmeshed in a tricky ethical dilemma when he discovers that the "e;creatures"e; he's been hired to provide care for are actually a race of humanoid aliens created to serve their human masters -- in more ways than one.
The Lani People by J. F. Bone - Full Text Archive
There were over six thousand planets in the Brotherhood of Man. At two months per planet, not figuring transit time, it would take more than a thousand Galactic Standard years to visit them all, and a man could look forward to scarcely more than five hundred at best. The habitat of Man had become too large.
The Lani People : J. F. Bone : Free Download, Borrow, and …
Jan 9, 2007 · In the far future, a veterinarian fresh out of school is hired to care for a small flock of valuable alien animals on an out-of-the-way world. But why so high a salary? There must be some catch to it....
The Lani People - J. F. Bone - Google Books
Nov 1, 2007 · Who wants to be bothered by a woman when you can get a whole harem of Lani so cheap? Lani are exactly like women -- with one "minor addition." And all are happy only in the natural, naked state.
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