Lannate Insecticide is a dry powder contained within a water-soluble bag, to be dissolved in water for application by ground or air equipment. Use only in commercial plantings.
2010年12月8日 · LANNATE® SP Insecticide is a 90% active ingredient water soluble powder formulation packaged in water soluble bags. LANNATE® SP is a broad spectrum insecticide registered in a wide range of field, fruit and vegetable crops. LANNATE® SP is particularly active on many Lepidopterous pests as an ovicide, larvicide and adulticide.
Lannate®90 es un insecticida sistémico que tiene rápida acción de contacto y por ingestión. Lannate®90 es un producto soluble que se utiliza en forma de aspersión. LMR: Límite Máximo de Resíduos. Tolerania en ppm (EPA-Estados Unidos) CODEX. Es compatible con la mayoría de los insecticidas y fungicidas actualmente en uso en la agricultura.
LANATE 90 ® - AgriSolver
Insecticida del grupo de los carbamatos (Grupo 1A IRAC), de amplio espectro, con concentración de metomilo al 90%.
LANNATE® SP Insecticide is a 90% active ingredient water soluble powder formulation packaged in water soluble bags. LANNATE® SP is a broad spectrum insecticide registered in a wide range of field, fruit and vegetable crops. LANNATE® SP is particularly active on many Lepidopterous pests as an ovicide, larvicide and adulticide.
LANNATE® 90 | Corteva | Royal Agroscience
Lannate® 90 is an insecticide that acts on sudden lethality to aphids and tryps pests in tobacco. Technical Specifications Active Substance. 90% Methomyl S-methyl-N- (methylcarbamoyloxy) thioacetimidate. formulations. Water Soluble Powder (SP) Warning: This product is from Dow AgroSciences Inc. Registered in the name.
Lannate 90% SP
Lannate 90% SP A carbamate insecticide used to Control of a wide range of insects (particularly Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Diptera and Coleoptera) Produced by Corteva -USA. Active Substance:
Lanate 90 – Insekticid – Agrar Petrović
Lannate 90 je insekticid, ograničeni sistemik koji pripada grupi Karbamata. Poseduje digestivno i kontaktno delovanje. Reverzibilni inhibitor holinesteraze (inhibira AChE). Kreće se translaminarno u biljci. SPEKTAR DELOVANJA: scitella) u zasadu jabuke i kruške, kao i štetočina u ratarstvu, povrtarstvu, voćarstvu i vinovoj lozi.
Lannate® 90 | Zaštita Bilja | Corteva Agriscience
Lannate ® 90 Insekticid koji efikasno suzbija biljne vaši u usevu paradajza, paprike i krastavca (u polju), odlikuje ga brzo delovanje i otpornost na spiranje kišom. Oznake
Este producto es un insecticida carbamato n-metil. Inmediatamente llame a un médico o comuníquese con los teléfonos de emergencia para recibir asistencia. Suministre al paciente 1-2 vasos con agua e induzca el vómito tocando la parte de atrás de la garganta con el dedo.
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