Laogzed - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Laogzed (pronounced: /leɪˈɑːgzɛd/ lay-AG-zed[10]) was an abyssal demigod of gluttony and wanton destruction.[2] "Patron" of the troglodytes, his symbol was an oozing toad-lizard meant to depict himself.[4][9] Laogzed resembled a combination between a lizard and a toad covered in dead patches of...
劳格兹得Laogzed | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
The ever-hungry god of the troglodytes, Laogzed, is chaotic evil. Known as the Devourer and the Eater of Souls, Laogzed is a deity of eating, of gluttony, and of wanton destruction. The domains it is associated with are Chaos, Death, Destruction, and Evil. Its favored weapon is the javelin.
Laogzed | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Laogzed is the deity worshipped by reptilian troglodyte race. Its symbol is an oozing toad-lizard, or a lizard's head. Laogzed's sacred animal is the toad.
Laogzed - Greyhawk Wiki
Laogzed is the deity worshipped by the reptilian troglodyte race. Its symbol is an oozing toad-lizard, or a lizard's head. Laogzed's sacred animal is the toad. Laogzed is described as a disgusting, vile being who resembles both a toad and a lizard. Its skin is covered with loose patches of dead flesh, and oozes an acidic poison.
Laogzed - Search - D&D Beyond
Some troglodytes venerate Laogzed, a demonic, monstrously fat toad-lizard that slumbers. in the Abyss. Laogzed offers the troglodytes nothing in return except aspiration, for it is the dream of his troglodyte worshipers to become as well-fed and wearily content as he seems to be.
Laogzed - WikiProject Dungeons & Dragons Wiki
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, Laogzed is the deity worshipped by reptilian troglodyte race. Its symbol is an oozing toad-lizard, or a lizard's head. Laogzed's sacred animal is the toad.
【DND】诸神之敌-上古三邪兽和深渊三巨头 - 知乎
混沌魔犬柯兹夫,又称天堂劫掠者 (Ravager of the Heavens),专门吞吃诸神信徒的灵魂(祈并者)。 被它吞噬的灵魂会被彻底的毁灭,即使神力也无法挽救这些灵魂。 柯兹夫曾被费伦的高等神议会用计锁在了喧癫空隧长达数个世纪。 代价是正义之神提尔的右手被柯兹夫咬断 (没错,就是那个残废神^^)。 后来在圣者系列小说里希瑞克把它放了出来,之后又被阴谋之神麦斯克封印。 结果又被放出来,到处追杀麦斯克,还咬断了麦斯克一条腿。 Ityak-Ortheel有个笑话:精灵和兽人 …
Laogzed - Speex Realms Wiki
Laogzed is a Demon Lord and the patron deity of the Troglodytes. He appears as a giant, tailed, rotting toad constantly leaking a reeking ichor and bathing in elemental ooze. He has rows of sharp, needle-like teeth and can exude a foul gas from his mouth.
塞斯伊奈克Sess’innek | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Laogzed is simply a huge, lumbering lizard that eats anything it can cram into its slavering maw, to sustain the stinking body it drags about. Ramenos hibernates for much of the time, barely able even to sustain attention on its own fate; once active and strong, the wretched deity is clearly in a process of self-extinction.
拉曼诺斯Ramenos | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Laogzed is simply a huge, lumbering lizard that eats anything it can cram into its slavering maw, to sustain the stinking body it drags about. Ramenos hibernates for much of the time, barely able even to sustain attention on its own fate; once active and strong, the wretched deity is clearly in a process of self-extinction.