LAROM - Wikipedia
The LAROM is a Romanian native-made, highly mobile, multiple rocket launcher, attached to a DAC-25.360 6x6 truck, in service with the Romanian Land Forces, built in collaboration with Israel. Currently there are 54 systems in service, all operated by the 8th Mixed Artillery Brigade .
5 of NATO's Best Rocket Artillery Systems - The National Interest
2021年10月23日 · 4. LAROM. In addition to the HIMARS, Romania also fields a lighter Grad-alike rocket system. The LAROM is a version of Israel’s LAR-160 rocket launcher mounted on a simple truck chassis. The ...
可治性罕见病—莱伦综合征( Laron syndrome) - 知乎
一、 疾病概述 莱伦综合征( Laron syndrome)是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传性生长障碍疾病,患者因 生长激素受体 (growth hormone receptor,GHR)缺陷引发对生长激素抵抗或不敏感而导致严重的生长迟缓。 该病由以色列医生Zvi Laron于1966年首先报道而以其名字命名[1]。
Viitorul LAROM - Romania Military
2011年10月3日 · Actualul LAROM este rezultatul unei cooperari cu firma israeliana IMI, care a conceput un pachet de modernizare a lansatoarelor de rachete clasice de provenienta sovietica GRAD, permitand pe langa cresterea preciziei tragerilor si lansarea rachetelor mai avansate de tipul LAR-160 (Light Artillery Rocket).
8th Tactical Operational Missile Brigade (Romania)
The 8th Tactical Operational Missile Brigade (Brigada 8 Rachete Operativ Tactice "Alexandru Ioan Cuza"), former 8th LAROM Brigade, is a Multiple Rocket Launcher brigade of the Romanian Land Forces. It was formed 1 July 1916 as the 2nd Heavy Artillery Brigade, and …
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The Romanian LAROM MLRS - TankNutDave.com
The Romanian LAROM MLRS is a relatively new vehicle for the Romanian Army, entering service around 2002. As an operator of the BM-21 Grad 122mm MLRS, it had a plentyful supply of 122mm rockets. The LAROM uses a GradLAR launcher, which is a cost-effective upgrade package developed by IMI of Israel and available for users of the Russian 122mm BM ...
LAROM - Wikipedia
LAROM este un aruncător de proiectile reactive dezvoltat de către firma Aerostar Bacău din România și firmele Elbit și IMI din Israel. Acest sistem artileristic are la bază aruncătorul APRA-40, o variantă locală a sistemului sovietic BM-21 GRAD.
Sistem de rachete larom - Expresul
2025年2月25日 · Larom este un sistem de lansatoare multiple de rachete (MLRS), proiectat pentru a oferi un suport de foc indirect, cu o raza de actiune extinsa si o gama variata de munitii. Pe masura ce tehnologia a evoluat, si sistemul Larom a suferit multiple imbunatatiri.
LAROM - Military Wiki | Fandom
The LAROM is a Romanian modern, highly mobile, native-made multiple rocket launcher, attached to a DAC-25.360 6x6 truck, in service with the Romanian Land Forces, built in collaboration with Israel. Currently, there are 24 systems in service, all operated by the 8th Mixed Artillery Brigade.