Robert Lake Elementary School
The diverse citizens of Robert E. Lake Elementary School strive to be life-long learners who persevere to maximize their potential while becoming productive leaders of a global society. We aim to achieve these goals by promoting a growth mindset, fostering a safe learning environment and holding high expectations for all.
School Contact Information - Clark County School District
LAS VEGAS, NV 89169 Phone: 702-799-5530 Fax: 702-799-0260 Map | Website. Region: 2 . Motto: Working Towards Excellence. Mission: The mission of Robert E. Lake is to provide a safe and orderly environment, to challenge students to achieve success, appreciate diversity, and become life-long learners.
Robert E. Lake Elementary School - Google Sites
Las Vegas, NV 89169. Tel: 702-799-5530. Fax: 702-799-0270. E-mail: [email protected]
Staff - Robert Lake Elementary
Elementary School 2904 Meteoro St. Las Vegas, NV 89169 P: (702) 799-5530
Robert E Lake Elementary School - Las Vegas, Nevada - NV
Robert E Lake Elementary School, a public school located in Las Vegas, NV, serves grade (s) PK, K-5 in Clark County School District. It has received a GreatSchools Summary Rating of 4 out of 10, based on a variety of school quality measures.
Home - Registration - Robert Lake Elementary School
Elementary School 2904 Meteoro St. Las Vegas, NV 89169 P: (702) 799-5530
Robert E. Lake Elementary School in Winchester, NV - Niche
Robert E. Lake Elementary School is a public school located in LAS VEGAS, NV. It has 642 students in grades PK, K-5 with a student-teacher ratio of 19 to 1. According to state test scores, 17% of students are at least proficient in math and 25% in reading.
Robert E. Lake Elementary School in Las Vegas, NV 89169
Detailed school profile about Robert E. Lake Elementary School in Las Vegas, Nevada. View school contacts, ratings, reviews, test scores, student to teacher ratios and much more...
Robert E Lake Elementary School - Official MapQuest
Get more information for Robert E Lake Elementary School in Las Vegas, NV. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.
Lake Robert E Elementary School in Las Vegas NV - SchoolDigger
2022年10月17日 · Lake Robert E Elementary School is a public elementary school in Las Vegas, Nevada, serving 642 students in grades PK-5. The school is part of the Clark County School District, which is ranked 7th out of 13 districts in the state …
- 作者: SchoolDigger.com