Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System - LACERS
At LACERS, we value our retired members and strive to give you the best customer service. Find top resources and common links here or click below to view more. LACERS is dedicated to supporting our member's survivors upon their death. We strive to provide timely and thorough information to the member's designated beneficiaries.
Lascar Electronics | Data Loggers | HMIs | Panel Instruments
Lascar Electronics provides unparalleled precision in automated monitoring and recording across a diverse range of parameters, including temperature, humidity, voltage, current and much more. Explore how our EasyLog solutions can be tailored to meet your unique needs during a live demo, scheduled at your convenience.
拉塞尔Lascer | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Lascer is in the process of grooming new assassins to rebuild the Shadow Shoal in an unknown location deep under an entirely different ocean. Sacrifices to Lascer are tortured first, forced to walk on broken glass and to have their hands pierced by long lengths of wire before they are vivisected and their entrails eaten by hungry sea spiders ...
List of demon lords | Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Lascer, Lord of the Shadow Shoal. Lascer was a 9‑foot-tall (2.7‑meter) humanoid with a mouth full of needle-like teeth and a sewn-up wound that stretched from gullet to groin, out of which tiny spidery legs sometimes reached. Despite his height, …
LASCER Bode plots for normal, amblyopic, and stereoanomalous …
Indices of laterality, interocular response latency difference, and binocular summation derived from Bode plots (amplitude-versus-temporal frequency and phase lag-versus-temporal frequency) of cortical responses evoked by laser speckle (LASCER) are correlated with common tests used in clinical refra …
Lascer - Greyhawk Wiki
2013年1月31日 · Lascer is a demon lord. Lascer appears as a 9-foot tall emaciated humanoid with twin rapiers wired into his hands, and shards of broken glass piercing his feet. His mouth is filled with needle-like teeth, and although a wound from groin to gullet has been stitched shut, tiny spidery legs probe out from the wound on occasion.
Lascar - Wikipedia
Vasco da Gama, the first European to reach India by sea (in 1498), hired an Indian pilot at Malindi (a coastal settlement in what is now Kenya) to steer the Portuguese ship across the Indian Ocean to the Malabar Coast in southwestern India.
Lascer ist ein Software-System, das Charakterisierungen zu vorgegebenen binär klassifizierten Daten (Beispielen) erzeugt. Die Beispiele sind dabei als Attribut-Vektoren im ARFF-Format anzugeben und die Charakterisierung, d.h. die Beschreibung der Klassen, erfolgt als Menge von Regeln, die möglichst klein (einfach) sein soll.
激光 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
激光 (英語: laser,新加坡称 镭射,香港称 激光/雷射,台湾称 雷射)是 英文 “ 受激辐射 产生的 光放大 ”(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)的 缩写,指透过刺激 原子 导致 电子 跃迁 释放 辐射 能量而产生的具有 同调性 的增强 光子 束。 其特点包括发散度极小、亮度(功率)很高、单色性好、相干性好等。 產生激光需要“激發來源”、“增益介質”、“共振结构”這三個要素。 美國NIF 國家點火設施。 意圖用多束雷射集中高溫產生可控核融合. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯 …
Lascer - Speex Realms Wiki
Lascer is a Demon Lord bound to Obox-Ob as his personal bodyguard and assassin. Lascer appears as a nine foot tall and impossibly gaunt figure with rapiers wired to each of his hands and his feet pierced with shards of broken glass.