Lasergene NGS Data Analysis Software - DNASTAR
Lasergene is bioinformatics software for molecular cloning, primer design, NGS data analysis, multiple sequence alignments, and transcriptome analysis.
Lasergene Molecular Biology Sequence Analysis Software
Lasergene Molecular Biology has you covered for important sequence analysis tasks including multiple sequence alignments, PCR primer design, in silico cloning, and Sanger sequence assembly.
Bioinformatics Software - DNASTAR
DNASTAR Lasergene is the complete software solution you need for designing primers, performing multiple sequence alignments, assembling and analyzing NGS sequencing data, and more. DNASTAR Lasergene includes three comprehensive packages that can also be purchased individually: Lasergene Molecular Biology , Lasergene Protein , and Lasergene ...
Bioinformatics Tools for Life Science | DNASTAR
Bioinformatics tool innovators since 1984, DNASTAR Lasergene provides a complete software solution for life science researchers. Learn more.
Lasergene Genomics NGS Analysis Software - DNASTAR
Powered by SeqMan NGen, our revolutionary and user-friendly assembler, Lasergene Genomics enables you to set up complex genomic sequencing projects in just minutes. It also automates tasks that typically require extensive manual intervention in other software packages.
Lasergene Protein Analysis Software - DNASTAR
Lasergene Protein rises above other protein analysis tools by offering flexible, rich 3D graphical representations of protein structures, full integration with both sequence and structure analysis, protein design tools that allow you to effortlessly predict protein stability, and unmatched accuracy in predicting protein structures through ...
Bioinformatics Software for Life Science | DNASTAR | Lasergene
Bioinformatics software innovators since 1984, DNASTAR Lasergene provides a complete software solution for life science researchers.
Training – Lasergene Help and Tutorials – DNASTAR
For software installation details, please see our Lasergene Installation Guide (PDF version). Still need help? Our scientists on staff are available to provide you with technical support as well as complimentary one-on-one demonstrations customized to your specific research objectives.
Lasergene Genomics 包含 SeqMan NGen,这是一款革命性的组装工具,可在 几分钟内完成整个基因组测序项目的设 置,并自动化处理通常需要大量手动干预 的任务。 Lasergene Genomics 支持 PacBio CLR 和 HiFi、Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT)、Illumina、Ion Torrent 以及 Sanger/ ABI 读长技术。
LASERGENE 分子生物学 序列分析的必备软件 • 支持多种主要克隆方法,包括 Golden Gate、Gibson Assembly、InFusion、Gateway、Multisite Pro Gateway、TOPO 克隆、TA 克隆和限制性酶切技术 • 设计和定制引物及探针 • 创建并共享引物目录 引物设计与虚拟克隆