Tymphany LAT 250 Linear Array Transducer - diyAudio
2012年2月3日 · Paired with the appropriate high frequency driver, the Tymphany LAT 250 is an ideal solution for lifestyle consumer electronics products such as flat panel TVs and sound bars, MP3 and cell phone docking stations, multimedia PCs, and other small devices.
The patented LAT 250 is designed to provide strong bass performance in a new vibration-free, cylindrical form factor. The driver may be configured for use in sealed, vented, bandpass or open-baffle enclosures, and provides high bass output from a …
Tymphany LAT 250 Smallest Subwoofer in unusual design
2007年12月11日 · Tymphany exhibited its smallest subwoofer LAT 250 during Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The LAT 250 was honored in the Enabling technologies category, during 2007 International CES Innovations Design and Engineering Award.
Tymphany's LAT250 subwoofer: smaller than you'd think - Engadget
2007年12月10日 · Tymphany's LAT250 (Linear Array Transducer) deviates from the traditional cone approach and instead "displaces air using a linear array of multiple smaller diaphragms." A pair of internal motors...
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LAT 250
The LAT 250 is a dual-motor design in which each motor is rated to handle 50 watts continuous power, per the IEC 268-5 power test, and it has been tested in our engineering laboratory with a sinusoid signal up to
Tymphany LAT-250 | DIYMobileAudio.com Car Stereo Forum
2008年5月31日 · It's a 10" x 3" cylinder. Nice response out way higher than I thought, about 500Hz. Looks like it might be an interesting choice for some kickpanel or center console midbass installs, given that kicking it won't do anything, the form factor seems easy to …
Coolest sub woofer ever! | Audioholics Home Theater Forums
2009年5月1日 · lat 250 Tymphany LAT, featured in a looong piece at Wired.com, is supposed to be a subwoofer that takes up much less size than others. If you read the website, which refers to speakers as "audio transducers", your head will fill up with jargon and spill out of your nose.
Tymphany LAT 250 available - Techtalk Speaker Building, Audio, …
2007年12月1日 · There are graphs on the tymphany website available now! says the 250's are rated for 100W, FS of 60hz is a bit high for my liking... The LAT 700 is pretty impressive... 500W as a 100hour rms test, long term max power of 1kw.
The patented LAT 250 is designed to provide strong bass performance in a new vibration-free, cylindrical form factor. The driver may be configured for use in sealed, vented, bandpass or open-baffle enclosures, and provides high bass output from a very compact transducer.
Widescreen Review Webzine | News | Tymphany Announces The …
2007年1月12日 · The patented LAT 250, unveiled at this week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, is the first subwoofer specifically designed to be integrated into today's new generation of lifestyle consumer electronic products, such as flat panel televisions, MP3 and cell phone docking stations, and multimedia PCs, as well as in automotive OEM and ...