CD6, a Rheostat-Type Signalosome That Tunes T Cell Activation
Unlike PAG or LAT, CD6 contains structured ectodomains that are suitable to establish interactions with extracellular ligands. CD6 binds to CD166, widely expressed in many cell types and tissues (53, 54). and recently CD318 was identified as an alternative ligand in cells derived from human thymus, skin, synovium, and cartilage (55, 56).
Quantitative proteomics analysis of signalosome dynamics in …
2014年3月2日 · Malissen and colleagues use quantitative proteomics to identify a Lat-independent TCR–CD6–SLP-76–Zap70 signalosome after TCR stimulation.
The T cell CD6 receptor operates a multitask signalosome with …
To determine the respective contribution of the LAT transmembrane adaptor and CD5 and CD6 transmembrane receptors to early TCR signal propagation, diversification, and termination, we describe a CRISPR/Cas9–based platform that uses primary mouse T cells and permits establishment of the composition of their LAT, CD5, and CD6 signalosomes in ...
The CD6 interactome orchestrates ligand-independent T cell …
2024年5月24日 · A principal component transcriptomic analysis of resting and activated naïve CD4 + T cells from mice deficient in CD5 (inhibitory scaffold), LAT (co-stimulatory scaffold), and CD6, showed that TCR- and CD28-activated Lat −/− T cells clustered with non-activated WT T cells, whereas activated Cd5 −/− and Cd6 −/− T cells clustered ...
Here we analyze the signaling function of CD6, the common and also the different properties it exhibits comparing with CD5, and interpret the functional effects displayed by CD6 in recent animal models.
CD6 and Linker of Activated T Cells are Potential Interaction …
2016年11月29日 · A recent report suggested that CD6 function as a LAT-independent signalling hub, recruiting SLP-76 and Vav1 following TCR-mediated activation, irrespective of LAT 43. Our finding that also TSAd interacts with both LAT and CD6 provide further support for the notion that these two membrane-associated molecules serve overlapping functions.
CD6-mediated inhibition of T cell activation via modulation of Ras
2022年11月21日 · We show that deletion of the cytosolic tail of CD6 enhances T-cell responses, indicating that CD6 restrains T-cell activation. One component of the CD6-associated inhibitory apparatus was found to be the GTPase activating protein of Ras (RasGAP), that we show to associate with CD6 in a phosphorylation-dependent manner.
The T cell CD6 receptor operates a multitask signalosome with
2021年2月1日 · To determine the respective contribution of the LAT transmembrane adaptor and CD5 and CD6 transmembrane receptors to early TCR signal propagation, diversification, and termination, we describe a CRISPR/Cas9-based platform that uses primary mouse T cells and permits establishment of the composition of their LAT, CD5, and CD6 signalosomes in only ...
T Cell Costimulation by CD6 Is Dependent on Bivalent Binding of a …
2017年6月6日 · The transmembrane proteins CD6 and LAT do not contain enzymatic activity, nor do the adaptors SLP-76 and GADS. LAT has a role in the direct recruitment of enzymes to propagate downstream signaling, binding directly to the SH2 domains of phospholipase C-γ1 (PLC-γ1) and IL-2-inducible T cell kinase (ITK) ( 25 ).
Quantitative proteomic analysis of signalosome dynamics in …
To determine whether CD6 is essential for the formation of TCR-induced T cell-APC conjugates in the absence of Lat, wild-type CD4 + T cells and CD4 + T cells made defective in Lat were incubated with ALCAM + activated B cells in the absence or presence of anti-CD3.