Search by latitude & longitude in Google Maps
On your computer, open Google Maps. On the map, right-click the place or area. A pop-up window appears. At the top, you can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format. To copy the coordinates, click on the latitude and longitude.
Pesquisar por latitude e longitude no Google Maps
Para pesquisar um lugar no Google Maps, insira as coordenadas de latitude e longitude do GPS. Também é possível localizar as coordenadas dos lugares que você já encontrou. Além da longitude e da lati
ค้นหาตามละติจูดและลองจิจูดใน Google Maps
หากต้องการค้นหาสถานที่ใน Google Maps ให้ป้อนพิกัด GPS ละติจูดและ ...
Menelusuri menurut lintang & bujur di Google Maps
Di komputer, buka Google Maps. Di peta, klik kanan tempat atau area. Jendela pop-up akan muncul. Di bagian atas, Anda dapat menemukan lintang dan bujur dalam format desimal. Untuk menyalin koordinat, klik lintang dan bujur tersebut.
Find & use location coordinates - Google Earth Help
Open Google Earth. As you move your mouse over different locations, coordinates will be displayed in the lower right corner. If your mouse is not in the map, the location coordinates for the center of the map display.
Encontrar e usar coordenadas de local - Ajuda do Google Earth
Abra o Google Earth. Na parte de cima, clique em Google Earth Preferências. Clique em Visualização em 3D. Depois, em "Mostrar lat/long", escolha um formato de exibição. Clique em OK. As coordenadas vão aparecer no canto inferior direito.
Display Address, LatLong, and XY values in templates
Display Address, LatLong, and XY values in your templates as described in the following sections: Display an Address in a template
Find imagery dates, altitude & coordinates - Google Help
With Google Earth you can find the longitude, latitude, altitude, and when images were taken of places from around the world. Find imagery dates Important: An imagery date o
Encontre e utilize coordenadas de localização - Earth Ajuda
Vista 3D. Em seguida, em "Mostrar lat/long", escolha um formato de apresentação. OK. As coordenadas são apresentadas no canto inferior direito.
Create & manage placemarks - Google Earth Help
Find your favorite locations around the globe and save them as placemarks. Mark map locations with placemarks On your computer, open Google Earth. Navigate to