is.lonlat : Check for longitude/latitude crs - R Package …
2024年10月14日 · Test whether a SpatRaster or SpatVector has a longitude/latitude coordinate reference system (CRS), or perhaps has one. That is, when the CRS is unknown ("") but the x coordinates are within -181 and 181 and the y coordinates are within -90.1 and 90.1.
r - Checking if points fall within polygon Shapefile - Geographic ...
2015年2月9日 · plot(sodo) points(df$Latitude ~ df$Longitude, col = "red", cex = 1) I match the proj4 string from the shapefile to my data.frame CRSobj <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83 +no_defs +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0 ") df@proj4string <- CRSobj over(df, sodo)
Check for longitude/latitude crs - search.r-project.org
Check for longitude/latitude crs Description. Test whether a SpatRaster or SpatVector has a longitude/latitude coordinate reference system (CRS), or perhaps has one. That is, when the CRS is unknown ("") but the x coordinates are within -181 and 181 and the y coordinates are within -90.1 and 90.1. For a SpatRaster you can also test if it has a ...
r sf - Check if lat/lon in polygon (R) - Stack Overflow
2022年10月16日 · I have a lat/lon combination and want to check whether the point is inside a polygon (sp::Polygon class) Consider this example: UKJ32 <- sp::Polygon(cbind(c(-1.477037449999955, -1.36689544999995...
Is this longitude/latitude data? - search.r-project.org
Test whether a Raster* or other object has a longitude/latitude coordinate reference system (CRS) by inspecting the PROJ.4 coordinate reference system description. couldBeLonLat also returns TRUE if the CRS is NA but the x coordinates are within -365 and 365 and the y coordinates are within -90.1 and 90.1.
lutz package - RDocumentation
Input latitude and longitude values or an sf/sfc POINT object and get back the time zone in which they exist. Two methods are implemented. One is very fast and uses Rcpp in conjunction with source data from (https://github.com/darkskyapp/tz-lookup-oss/).
Test whether lat/lon pairs exist within a shapefile in R
2020年5月11日 · Basically, I have a data frame of lat/lon values and all I want to do is test whether these coordinates exist within California. Here is some example data: library(tidyverse) library(sf) coords <- tribble( ~city, ~lon, ~lat, LA, -118.2437, 34.0522, SF, -122.4194, 37.7749, SAC, -121.4944, 38.5816, CHI, -87.6298, 41.8781, NY, -74.0060, 40.7128 )
Coordinate Cleaning using Dataset Properties - search.r-project.org
Tests for problems associated with coordinate conversions and rounding, based on dataset properties. Includes test to identify contributing datasets with potential errors with converting ddmm to dd.dd, and periodicity in the data decimals indicating rounding or a raster basis linked to low coordinate precision. Specifically:
r - rmetrics - test if longitude and latitude coordinates are on …
Is there a way in R to tell what continent a certain lat/long coordinate belongs to?
test_lat : Valid latitude - R Package Documentation
2019年5月6日 · ## Not run: expect_true (test_lat (dat $ latitude)) ## End(Not run) Hackout2/mapData documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:48 p.m. Related to test_lat in Hackout2/mapData ...
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