Latobius - Wikipedia
Latobius was a sky and mountain Celtic god worshipped by the people of Noricum (modern Austria and Slovenia). During ancient Roman times he was equated with aspects of Jupiter …
拉托庇乌斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉托庇乌斯(英語: Latobius )。 [1] 凯尔特人所尊奉的神祇之一。多次出现于凯尔特人所塑造的与其相关的艺术作品之中,相关文物亦主要留存至今中欧的奥地利一带,影响深远。
拉托庇乌斯 - 百度百科
拉托庇乌斯(英语:Latobius)。 古罗马凯尔特人所尊奉的神祈之一。 多次出现于凯尔特人所塑造的与其相关的艺术作品之中. ,相关文物亦主要留存至今中欧的奥地利一带,影响深远。 拉托 …
Latobius - Gods and Goddesses
Latobius (Mars Latobius Marmocius) is a Gaulish god known from six inscriptions found at two sites in Austria. He seems to be a god of high places of the ‘Father of the Tribe’ type and was …
Latobius – Wikipedia
Latobius, auch Latovius ist der Name einer keltischen Gottheit, die auf einigen Inschriften aus der römischen Provinz Noricum genannt wird. In der Interpretatio Romana wird er meist mit Mars …
A List of Celtic Gods and Goddesses - ThoughtCo
2024年9月20日 · Latobius was a Celtic god worshipped in Austria. Latobius was a god of mountains and sky equated with the Roman Mars and Jupiter. Lenus was a Celtic healing god …
Latobius - Wikiwand
Latobius was a sky and mountain Celtic god worshipped by the people of Noricum (modern Austria and Slovenia). During ancient Roman times he was equated with aspects of Jupiter …
Latobius - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Second-declension noun, singular only. 1 Found in older Latin (until the Augustan Age). Latobius in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
Lâthuv // Latobius. Etymology: | by Shane Krusen - Medium
2019年4月13日 · In Bescoth Norichach, Latobius (GhA: Lâthuv) will be a god similar to Belinos, of particualr interest to the Latobici. He will oversee elements of healing, the solar cult, the water …
Latobius - Goddesses and Gods
2010年6月6日 · Latobius is a deity associated with the Vendic kingdom of Noricum in the Eastern Alps, which became voluntarily associated with the Roman Empire in 16 BCE. The origin of …