Launa - The RuneScape Wiki
Launa Talvoy is the wife of Brana Talvoy and the mother of Tolna Talvoy. In the Year 144 of the Fifth Age, her son ran away from home, unhappy with living on the meagre earnings of a …
A Soul's Bane - The RuneScape Wiki
A Soul's Bane is a combat-focused quest revolving around trying to find the lost son of Launa Talvoy, who disappeared in a mysterious rift near the Varrock Dig Site years ago. It may be …
A Soul's Bane - Quick guide - The RuneScape Wiki
Talk to Launa by the rift east of Varrock, just south-east of the earth altar. Show on map
Soul's Bane, A - RuneScape Guide - RuneHQ
2018年7月27日 · Speak with Launa northwest of the Digsite and agree to help search for her son and husband. Climb down the rift using the rope attached to it. You will find yourself in the …
Runescape (RS3) quest: A Soul's Bane - YouTube
2020年10月9日 · Runescape (RS3) quest: A Soul's Bane Created: 2006 Requirements: None Required items: None, but equip yourself for combat Combat: You will need to defeat level 50 …
A Soul's Bane quick guide | RuneScape Wiki | Fandom
Speak to Launa by the rift just south-east of the earth altar. Skill requirements are not boostable unless marked with a [B] for boostable. Items from the tool belt are not listed unless they do …
Runescape A Soul's Bane Quest Guide - YouTube
2014年5月17日 · 1. Speak with Launa North of Digsite.2. Use rope on the nearby rift and enter the dungeon to find yourself in the "Rage Room." -----WEAPONS NEEDED TO KILL EA...
Launa - RuneScape Person - RuneHQ
Launa is the starting point for A Soul's Bane.
Launa - RuneScape Wiki
Launa Talvoy is the wife of Brana Talvoy and the mother of Tolna Talvoy. In the Year 144 of the Fifth Age, her son ran away from home, unhappy with living on the meagre earnings of a …
A Soul's Bane | RuneScape Wiki | Fandom
A Soul's Bane is a combat-focused quest revolving around trying to find the lost son of Launa Talvoy, who disappeared in a mysterious rift near the digsite years ago. It may be quite …