Laur Kiik - Google Scholar
[email protected] - University of Oslo, Norway - Cited by 392 - Burma - China - Kachin - Nationalism - Nature Conservation
Laur Kiik - Department of Social Anthropology
2024年9月6日 · Specifically, I have done ethnographic research among the Kachin people since 2010, focusing on their war-time encounters with: 1) the Burmese inter-ethnic conflicts; 2) Chinese-led natural resource economies; and 3) Western-led wildlife conservation.
Laur Kiik | University of Oslo - Academia.edu
Laur Kiik, University of Oslo: 81 Followers, 13 Research papers. Research interests: Environmental Anthropology, Wildlife Conservation, and Biocultural…
Laur KIIK | The University of Tokyo, Bunkyō-ku - ResearchGate
Laur Kiik In 2011, the Burmese military-backed government stunned global audiences by unilaterally suspending the construction of the Myitsone Dam, the cornerstone of China’s largest hydropower...
Inter-National Conspiracy? Speculating on the Myitsone Dam …
2020年9月30日 · Drawing on more than two years of ethnographic fieldwork in 2010–2019, interviews, and media analysis, this article takes seriously many Chinese, Burmese, and Kachin voices – from ambassadors and journalists, to activists and village elders – who claim or dispute various hidden hostile inter-national strategies.
Laur Kiik (0000-0003-2552-8971) - ORCID
Laur Kiik Conspiracy, God's Plan, and National Emergency: Kachin Popular Analyses of the Ceasefire Era and its Resource Grabs [War and Peace in the Borderlands of Myanmar: The Kachin Ceasefire, 1994-2011]
Kiik, Laur - Royal Anthropological Institute
Name: Laur Kiik. Affiliation: Oxford University, doctoral student. Contact details: [email protected]. Statement of interest: conservation, wildlife, ethnic nationalism, war, environmentalism, religion, ontology/cosmology, wildlife trade. Geographical/topical area of interest : Burma / Myanmar, Kachin
Laur Kiik - Sosialantropologisk institutt (SAI)
Du er velkommen til å sende meg en e-post for å diskutere felles interesser: [email protected]. Emneord: Nasjonalisme , Etnisk konflikt , Naturressurser , Bevaring av dyreliv , Krig , Burma , Myanmar , Kina , India , Kachin-folket
Laur Kiik | The University of Tokyo - Academia.edu
Laur Kiik, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Department, Post-Doc. Studies Environmental Anthropology, Wildlife Conservation, and Biocultural Anthropology.
Laur Kiik CV, ETIS
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