LAW 80 - Wikipedia
The LAW 80 (Light Anti-armour Weapon 80), regularly referred to as LAW 94 in British service, is a man-portable, disposable anti-tank weapon previously used by the British Army and a few other militaries. The weapon consists of an extendable launch tube with an integrated 9 mm (0.35 in) spotting rifle and 1× sight.
LAW 80輕型反裝甲武器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
LAW 80是目前世上最大型一次射擊式武器系統。 武器包括一根可延伸式發射管、內置式9毫米 測距步槍 和1× 光学 瞄准镜。 測距步槍裝有五發子彈,並與 火箭彈 的彈道匹配。
反坦克武器科普:LAW 80 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年9月5日 · LAW 80是目前世上最大型一次射击式武器系统。 武器包括一根可延伸式发射管、内置式9毫米测距步枪和1×光学瞄准镜。 测距步枪装有五发子弹,并与火箭弹的弹道匹配。 它采用的测距弹相当的不寻常,包括在将一颗9毫米曳光弹丸装在向外扩大7.62×51毫米北约口径弹壳,并且以一颗.22胡蜂弹的空包弹安装在加大的弹壳的尾端底板,以提供击发装药。 发射时,.22口径子弹从后部推动7.62毫米子弹,以底火驱动的形式解锁测距步枪的后膛。 美国海军陆战队的Mk …
劳80式94mm火箭筒 - 百度百科
英国陆军总参谋部于1971年10月提出了自行研制反坦克武器的战术技术要求。 中文名称: 英国劳80式94mm火箭筒. 研制时间: 1977 [1] 简介. 根据这一要求,英国皇家兵器研究院在1972年完成了可行性论证,提出 了RCS—5式火箭筒(火箭结构、惯行飞行、简易瞄测、质量5kg)设计方案。 英国皇家兵器研究院花了两年时间进行探索性研究,提出了雏型,并于1977年2月同英国陆军正式签订研制合同,规定从同年7月起的一年内完成工程设计任务,并指定亨迁公司为主承包商。 …
Pamphlet No. 14 94mm LAW 80 : Free Download, Borrow, and …
2022年3月5日 · Topics LAW 80, anti-tank, british army, rocket 94mm Collection manuals_various; manuals; additional_collections Item Size 63.5M
LAW-80 | Weaponsystems.net
The LAW-80 is a disposable single shot rocket launcher. It has an extendable launch tube reminiscent of the smaller and older US produced LAW. The sight unit is installed on the left side in the middle of the outer tube. A spotting rifle with five rounds of tracer ammunition is an integral part of the rifle, making it heavier and more expensive.
LAW 80 - Wikimedia Commons
2015年12月17日 · English: The LAW 80 is an anti-tank weapon in service with the British Army. LAW stands for Light Anti-armour Weapon. It is a 94 mm High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) weapon system, portable by one person and capable of destroying armoured vehicles at distances up to 500 m.
LAW 80 - Military Wiki
The LAW 80 (Light Anti-armour Weapon 80), sometimes erroneously referred to as LAW 94, is a man-portable, disposable anti-tank weapon currently in use by the British Army and a few other militaries. The weapon consists of an extendable launch tube with an integrated 9 mm spotting rifle and 1× sight.
British Military Weapons - LAW 80
The LAW 80 is the British Army's primary unguided anti-tank rocket launcher. LAW stands for Light Anti-armour Weapon. The LAW 80 fires a 94mm shaped High Explosive Anti Tank (HEAT) warhead capable of penetrating 650mm of armour on …
LAW-80 | Weaponsystems.net
The LAW-80 is a disposable single shot rocket launcher. It has an extendable launch tube reminiscent of the smaller and older US produced LAW. The sight unit is installed on the left side in the middle of the outer tube. A spotting rifle with five rounds of tracer ammunition is an integral part of the rifle, making it heavier and more expensive.